405:BIS Sets Bank Crypto Standards::Japan’s New Tax Rules::Dems to Return SBF Donations::Hal Fin(..)

1 year ago

Heya Cryptozens,

Episode 405:
BIS Sets Bank Crypto Standards
Japan's New Tax Rules
Dems to Return SBF Donations
Hal Finney's Twitter
Buterin on Musk's Twitter
"Foreign Trade Only"
Mithril Saga pt2
OneCoin Founder Guilty
FTX Wants to Sell Subsidiaries
Carmack Departs Meta
BIS Sets Bank BTC Standards

It’s 10 PM Pacific time and the date is December 17th, 2022. Welcome back to the Crypto Overnighter. My name is Nikodemus, I’ll be your host as we take a nightly look at the crypto, nft and metaverse space and the industry that surrounds it. And keep in mind, nothing in this show should ever be considered financial advice. 

Email: nick@cryptoovernighter.com
Salem Friends of Felines: https://sfof.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoCorvus1

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