Drag Race To Dictatorship

1 year ago

An Excerpt From The Full Article:

Is Justin Trudeau grooming us to expect hypocrisy?

“Hypocrisy in anything whatever May deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised.”
- Leo Tolstoy

While on a French-Canadian television show earlier this year, Justin Trudeau lamented that there were still people in this country who are “fiercely against vaccination, who do not believe in science, they are often misogynistic, also often racists…it is a small group that muscles in. And we have to make a choice, in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people?”

Among ‘these people’ are about 7 million well-informed Canadians who refused to participate in an experimental drug trial, even if it cost them their jobs. Also among them were the peacefully protesting Truckers whom Trudeau reviled, refusing so much as to meet with them to address their concerns. He suspended the civil liberties of an entire country in order to invoke state violence against them over a medical choice. He froze their bank accounts.

He seized their property. He arrested a 49 year old Métis grandmother and persecuted her for many months. While testifying under oath at the recent inquiry into use of this Draconian law, Trudeau explained that he did it all to protect us. He only regrets not getting more people injected with the experimental Covid-19 drugs that are now widely known to be ineffective and to cause grievous injury and even sudden death to otherwise healthy men, women, and children:

“Every heartbreaking story I hear of a family who sat beside the bed of a loved one who died because they believed the vaccines were more dangerous than the disease, I take personally, because I wish I could have done more to convince people to get vaccinated.”
- Justin Trudeau, Public Order Emergency Commission

Continue reading this article here: https://www.greymatterpodcast.ca/drag-race-to-dictatorship/

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