Circle of Prayer 🙏📿

1 year ago


Friends joined hands together in a circle of love,
as they gathered to offer prayer to God above.
Sins were confessed and forgiveness requested,
for they knew His mercy in their life was vested.

Hearts were filled with love for they were assured
that man’s sin had been by Jesus forever cured.
Thankful voices with greatest of joy they did raise,
while singing hymns of worship, glory, and praise.

Following this time of thanksgiving and devotion,
they lifted petitions of need with heartfelt emotion.
Holy direction and guidance are what each sought.
in a humble way, requests to Yahweh were brought.

Asked for were blessings for a new baby born,
guarded protection for students from dark ‘til morn,
needed shelter and provisions for victims of a storm,
acts of protestors cease who choose not to conform.

Every person united in this hour of steadfast piety,
also prayed and asked to restore God in society.
Each knew answers would come in His time and way,
so they must be prepared for that “Oh, Happy Day”.

Their requests now placed at God’s Holy throne,
they said their farewells; prayer requests known.
They would meet again soon, friend to friend,
for their Circle of Love and Prayer would not end!

Sheila Bowyer Kline

James 5:13
Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray.
Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.

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