Indian Government Takes Action: Designates Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Operative Dr Asif Maqbool as Terrorist

1 year ago

Latest Reports | "Indian Government Takes Action: Designates Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Operative Dr Asif Maqbool Dar as a Terrorist" | #shorts #news

On Saturday, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs designated Dr Asif Maqbool Dar, a Hizb-ul-Mujahideen operative currently residing in Saudi Arabia, as a terrorist under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The ministry noted that Dr Dar is "one of the leading radical voices on social media and involved in nefariously influencing Kashmiri youth to take up arms against Indian Government and Security Forces" (Ministry of Home Affairs). The designation of Dr Dar as a terrorist is a significant step taken by the Indian government to protect its citizens, as Dr Dar has used his platform of influence to encourage violence and hatred. This is particularly concerning as Dr Dar has access to a wide range of social media outlets, making his presence more widespread and his views more accessible to the youth in Kashmir. Additionally, the Indian government is sending a strong message that acts of terror will not be tolerated and that anyone who engages in acts of extremism will face the consequences.

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• Ministry of Home Affairs designation of terrorist,
• Dr Asif Maqbool Dar terrorist designation,
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• Radical voices on social media,
• Influence Kashmiri youth to take up arms,
• Acts of terror not tolerated,
• Consequences for acts of extremism

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