Loving animals is NOT a sign someone is a good person.

1 year ago

Loving animals is NOT a sign someone is a good person.

*Some* people love animals, because they are obedient and easy to please, unlike humans. Some people deeply resent the emotional needs of other humans and prefer animals, because animals are easy to please. They give blind obedience to those who feed and love them, which is highly appealing to some people with abusive personalities.

The people I'm talking about like that they don't have to listen to an animal's point of view or take their criticisms. With animals, they don't have to be held responsible for their words or actions. I know people who have dated extremely abusive partners and were shocked they turned out that way, because the abuser was so kind to their dog.

Loving an animal and being kind to an animal does not reveal how a person will treat another human being. Obviously most people who love animals are in fact good people, however, they are not good *because* they love their pets.

Loving animals should NOT be considered a green flag when dating. It's in fact, a neutral flag that at best shows a person isn't a complete sociopath.

#reddit #unpopularopinion #tts

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