Health Benefits of Hugging - Watch Momma Panda loving and hugging her baby

1 year ago

Health Benefits of Hugging - Watch Momma Panda loving and hugging her baby
The Health Benefits of Hugging article is the result of decades of scientific research published by the French and Italian scientists 30 years ago.
Hugging, love, compassion and cooperative way of life was the cornerstone of matriarchal rule. The wisdom of the 8,000 years of matriarchal rule in Persian Empire, overthrown by the Semite barbarism nearly 3,500 years ago, and other parts of Asia were proven right, that children raised with love, hugs and affection will grow up to become loving, caring, affectionate, smart, creative, healthy, compassionate and prosperous individuals.
Hugging therapy is definitely a powerful way of healing. Research study of over 100,000 people shows that hugging (and also laughter) is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress.
Research shows a proper deep hug lasting 5 seconds, where people’s hearts are pressing together and greeting each other by kissing on both cheeks, can benefit you in the following ways:

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