STEP 14 - Let's Protect Our Data More​

2 years ago

Step 15 of the Global Walkout is to start exclusively using BRAVE as your internet browser.

Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tries to tell us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back.

You might be thinking…who cares which internet browser I use? What difference does it make?

Well, did you know that data like this is one of the most lucrative products in the world? The less data big tech companies have, the harder it is for them to track our spending habits, movements, activities, and so forth. They already have so much data on us, why don’t we start scaling it back?

There will be more steps like this coming up. Data protection and privacy are huge topics.

So, let’s take this easy step together…and we’ll see you for step 16 next week.

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