Isaiah 1:1-2:22 “Stop Regarding Man!”

1 year ago

They were corrupt from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet.
The whole head is sick…sick with sin.
There is no soundness among them…meaning there are none who are well.
Isaiah describes their condition like a festering sore that oozes puss.
And as disgusting as that sounds…that is how God sees sin.
And they were suffering God’s judgment on their sin…there was almost nothing left.
As we will see in chapter eight…eventually they will be taken captive and led away by Assyria.
If they had only obeyed God’s word…Moses had given them a choice…
Obey God and worship Him alone and experience blessings…
Or disobey God and worship idols and be cursed.
The choice was theirs…and we see here what choice they made…and their choices were bringing the wrath of God upon them.
And this is where disobedience has brought them.

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