N#W W0RLD 0RDER vs. The Great Awakening

1 year ago

Earth is going through a massive positive shift at the moment.

There is however a lot of confusion, between separating the agenda 21 and agenda 30 New World Order monstrous nonsense, with the Incredible future promised by the Great Awakening.

As you know, we are involved in a war, between Good and Evil, which has been raging for decades.

Until now, evil has always had the upper hand, but thanks to the effort of a group of dedicated heroes. (white hats), who have been fighting tirelessly in the shadows, on behalf of all of us, we have turned a corner and the good guys are now in control.

The Deep State is in a state of panic and are throwing every desperate thing they can at it.

How desperate have you got to be to publicly flout the law, by raiding President Trumps home.

prepare yourself, they may even try to arrest President Trump.

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