RT News - January 07 2023 (20:00 MSK)

1 year ago

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🤍 The purpose of the videos; To show that WAR is a terrible phenomenon.

📒 Ukraine shells multiple cities in the Donetsk Republic on Orthodox Christmas, leaving civilians wounded. That's despite Moscow calling for a holiday ceasefire. President Zelensky reportedly revokes the citizenship of 13 Ukrainian Orthodox priests in his latest crackdown on the Church. We delve into the trials and tribulations of Orthodox Christian pilgrims in the Middle East, as our correspondent retraces the iconic path said to have been taken by Mother Mary from Nazareth. In Ethiopia, where majority of people celebrate Orthodox Christmas, once again Christians are able to attend an annual festival that was closed for years due to lockdowns and war.

⛔️ NOTE; If you detect wrong information or negative content about the content, it is appropriate to report it or write it as a comment, thank you for your interest.
Communication; mfsa_33_@hotmail.com

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