This Week in Tyranny - Episode 5

1 year ago

A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

This Week in Tyranny:
EPA tightens air quality standards on fine particulate pollution, laying the groundwork for targeting American economic freedom. Medical associations are cited by the Environmental Protection Agency in claiming this action will benefit communities of color and low-income communities. In 2023, it is laughable to believe that any federal agency seeks to benefit the disadvantaged so-called black and Hispanic communities in this country

The entire practice of government regulation, permits, inspections, pollution standards, is a high-level poker game between large corporations, lawmakers, so-called nonprofit organizations, and foreign interests, played behind the veil of public relations and health and security. This EPA announcement is simply a public relations card being played, as the power struggle between the big players continues. Public and environmental health is only a talking point used to influence public opinion.

The United States has some of the best air quality in the world, but not because of tight regulatory controls. America’s economic prosperity allows people to conduct business in a clean way. Environmental socialism, in the form of tight regulatory demands, will actually harm the environment in a roundabout way. The best way to help the environment is to loosen restrictions and allow economic prosperity and fuel research of innovative technologies.

Ultimately, air quality comes down to population density. The reason the United States is a nation with one of the cleanest environments is because it is a nation with one of the lowest population densities. That is the issue with disadvantaged communities and their low air quality. They live packed into highly concentrated population centers, in close proximity to factories and industrial plants.

Taking care of the earth, and having a clean environment, lies in innovative systems and practices to deal with pollution. But these innovators are attacked, and their technologies are hidden, because it threatens the current hydrocarbon-burning, combustion-engine energy paradigm.

I direct the viewers to a presentation by Mark Passio entitled “Scarcity to Abundance”

If we really want health and cleanliness, we have to address tyranny. And we have to address slavery. Which means authority vested in a select few individuals. So a real solution is not to get tougher on environmental pollutants. A real solution would be getting tougher on mental pollutants, and get rid of the EPA. And while we’re at it, get rid of all government (a word that means “mind control”), simplify the world so that its problems can be readily identified, and clean up all the mental pollution from generations of living in the slavery paradigm. Because if we don’t think sustainably, any member of our community who becomes president, or head of the EPA, is going to manifest unsustainable pollution and poison into the environment.

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

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