Italian Property Purchases: Italian Notary Dr. Alessandro Armenio, Italian Lawyer Nick Metta-Part 2

1 year ago

In Italy, the Notaio, or Notary, is an essential element in the Italian property purchase process. We were fortunate to be able to meet with Dr. Alessandro Armenio, an Italian Notary, along with Nick Metta, an Italian lawyer and Italian tax expert, in Bari to discuss the background and functions of the Notaio, and how both of them, through their services, can help you avoid pitfalls and delays in your Italian property purchase.

This is Part 2 of a series of videos recorded during our meeting with them. In this video Alessandro and Nick review usucapione (adverse possession), title insurance, notary liability, and abusive property modifications.

Many thanks to Nick at Studio Legale Metta for arranging this interview. You can find more information on their services at

Link to Part 1:

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