1 year ago

This is my attempt to beat The Challenge of The Week of 2022-11-07 in They are Billions. The game went relatively smoothly, I made decent defense around the colony. But at some point, I decided to keep my army at a low number to save gold for Monument buildings. I thought the stone walls with shock towers with miner unit assistance will withstand the last wave since there will be no elite infected. Everything looked good at the beginning of the attack, the infected came from expected directions. But the horde from the north was significantly bigger than from other directions. They overwhelmed a single shock tower with a stone tower and made a breach inside. Even though I had a few fast Titans for this scenario, I had not managed to bring them fast enough. The infected started to spread across the colony super fast. Over ~1400 colonists had been infected. While the units were on their way to protect the command center, I built the walls wherever possible to slow down the horde. All my structures had maximum upgrades with high resistance points, which gave my army enough time to defend the colony. I had enough Titans and veteran soldiers to clean up the colony from the remaining infected. However, the damage was severe. My final score is ~14000 points, which put me at the end of the win score list. Anyway, I am happy to get the victory after a few losses in a row. In my opinion, this challenge is an easy one, since there were neither infected villages nor the elite infected.
Good luck! I wish you get a high score!
See you at the next one!

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