"Enough is Enough" (Updated)

1 year ago

"Ignite the Right" and its contrived diatribe is here, in all forms to MANUFACTURE CONSENT, and promoted by Jesuit controlled pied pipers to lead everyone back to Satan's counterfeit Christian unholy Roman Catholic Church.

(Pied piper is a person who induces others to follow or imitate him or her, especially by means of false or extravagant promises, or sophistry.)

Vatican Agent - Bill Blair (Knight of Malta)
The Knights of Malta
"The members are to conduct their lives in an exemplary manner IN CONFORMITY WITH THE TEACHINGS AND PRECEPTS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and to devote themselves to the humanitarian assistance activities of the Order."

Thumbnail image - Jesuit CBC Propaganda / Deceit

Jesuits control CBC news and CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)


Jesuit temporal coadjutor Klaus Schwab: “We have to prepare for an angrier world.”

Professor Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum

@ :57 seconds - Green backdrop language, "It's time to turn ANGER into action"

“Enough is enough” is emotional drivel to spark a fight or flight psychology which disrupts logical decision making, shutting down discourse and lending itself to violence.

Yes, the “angrier world” that they (the RCC) themselves are creating, through lies, division, chaos and confusion. The end game is to create an angrier world for... a false “peace and safety”.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV;
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


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