S2E5: A Win For Reality

1 year ago

Join Dr. Myke and JB in this episode of Pillars of Heaven as we touch on the topics below:
Roman Catholics violently attack Baptist woman in Mexico
A Federal Judge in West Virginia upheld a law prohibiting biological boys from participating in femal sports
Acknowledging God as the Creator of the universe makes us accountable
Mister Rogers would be banned from modern day television
Old white men in suits tell us what we should be offended by
Muslim Extremists in Uganda Break Into Bible Study and force them to eat poisoned food
Africa is a warzone
You can't be a "sideline" Christian in the world to come
The Satanic Temple to host SatanCon, "Largest Satanic Gathering in History", in Boston, Massachusetts
The battle between our souls and our sinful nature
Our spirits are willing but our flesh is weak
To Be A Christian is to Admit You Aren't Perfect!
No matter what you've done, Jesus is waiting to hear from you!
What a merciful and loving God we have
God loves us so much He was willing to come to earth and die for us

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