Rhema Jan 6, 2023 ❤️ Earthly and Spiritual Israel and the 144'000 Marked Ones... Jesus elucidates

1 year ago

Text of Video Content in EN - DE - FR - ES ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/12/29/3-testament-kapitel-39-chapter-39-chapitre-39-capitulo-39/
3rd Testament in EN - DE - FR - ES - IT - TR - ZH - VI ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/das-dritte-testament-the-third-testament-el-tercer-testamento/
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist The Third Testament... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCvAOY1ifg86rr4hrb_XCM6p
The Book of the true Life... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2018/06/12/buch-des-wahren-lebens-book-of-the-true-life-livre-de-la-vie-veritable-libro-de-la-vida-verdadera/
The Third Testament EBook... https://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/the-third-testament.pdf
Jesus' Revelations through Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/
Jesus' Revelations through Gottfried Mayerhofer... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/53-sermons-of-jesus/
Love Letters from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/
Trumpet Call of God... https://awakeningforreality.com/latest-video-and-audio-letters-neuste-video-und-audio-briefe/

The Third Testament Chapter 39 - Earthly and Spiritual Israel, the 144'000 - Revelations of Jesus Christ

The Historic Mission of Israel: its Failure
Thus saith the Lord...

1. Verily I say to you that if mankind had persevered within the Law which their conscience dictated inwardly, it would not have been necessary to send you guides nor prophets, nor would it have been necessary for your Lord to descend among you, even to engrave My Law in stone during the First Era, or having to become human and die as a Man upon a cross in the Second Era.

2. If I formed a people and lavished them with gifts, it was not so they could exalt themselves and humiliate others, but rather for them to be an example of submission before the true God and an example of brotherhood among men.

3. I chose this people so that they would be an instrument of My will on earth and carrier of My revelations, so they would invite everyone to live within My Law and so that all humanity would become the only people of the Father.

4. If this people have suffered greatly in spite of being the chosen, it is because they believed the heritage was only for them, that their God could not have been a God for the pagans, because they regarded other people as strangers and did not share with them what the Father had entrusted to them. If I separated them for a time from other people, it was because I did not want them to become contaminated with wickedness and materialism.

5. However, when they stuck obstinately to their egotism and regarded themselves great and strong, I demonstrated to them that their power and their greatness were false, and I permitted other nations to descend upon them and reduce them to servitude. Kings, Pharaohs and Caesars were their lords, when I had offered to be their Lord.

6. The Father, in His infinite love, again manifested Himself to His people to give them their freedom and remind them of their mission; and during this period I have come to deliver to them My lessons of love, and it is only My gaze that is able to discover among mankind the sons of Israel whom I am calling and congregating so that they may receive the light of the Holy Spirit.

7. I have come to manifest Myself before your spirit because the time is long gone when I spoke to you through Nature and by means of material manifestations that you called miracles. Now you can feel Me within your spirit as well as deep inside your heart.

8. During this era, Palestine has not been the witness of My manifestation because it is not a specific place that I come to seek, but rather your spirit. I search for the people of Israel of the spirit, not of blood: for the people who have the spiritual seed that throughout all the eras they have received through My charity. (63, 64 - 69)

The Separation of the Jewish People into earthly and Spiritual Creeds

9. It was necessary that the Father, after his parting, strike from the hands of his people on earth the land which had been entrusted to them from the time of their ancestors.

10. From some of them it was taken as a restitution, and from others as a reward; for that land of Canaan, that beautiful Palestine of past times, was prepared by Me only as a symbol of the true Promised Land of the spirit, and upon stripping that people of those possessions, the materialist Jews roamed over the face of the earth, and on the other hand, the faithful, those who had always sensed My presence, remained awaiting My Will, without pain at having renounced that inheritance from the past, knowing that the Father had conceded to them a new grace: the inheritance of his Word, the Divine Word, and of his sacrifice and his blood.


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