I Record Every Telephone Conversation Now (with Consent) Because of What Happened!

2 years ago

Because of the many, many odd, bizarre, ridiculously abusive, crazy-making, gaslighting people I've come across since 2011, I've finally realized that I can record my phone calls--with consent by the other person(s) on the line because of PA Law.

Somehow, I'm one of those targeted individuals you might have heard or read about who ACTUALLY gets attacked by either the Matrix, or a breed of people who are brainwashed into believing it is ok to set people up to be attacked, mobbed, etc.

Hard to explain, but if you are a normal person and you ask someone about the weather, for instance, and a person replies "don't you think you are being unprofessional? you really need to fess up to being unprofessional. are you ever going to fess up to being unprofessional." And you, the normal person, are wondering what this someone is doing or talking about, then you are probably a targeted individual of people who want you to look like a bad or unprofessional person, or they are trying to gaslight you. It's crazy making. No other context exists in this scenario. There is a breed of people out there who's job it is, is to provoke you into being perceived a certain way. Or they provoke you into eventually seeming unprofessional when really you were traumatized by unprofessional people.

Just one example of being a targeted individual. Others include:
1. Having things left on your window sills at home, in the drive way, on your car, lawn or etc, that create fear and a sinking feeling
2. Odd texts or phone calls timed with your actions
3. People actually milling around, stalking and showing up where you normally shop and it's obvious they are there to frighten you in some way. (some of these people even look like 'healthy' people, but you would know something was off)
4. There is so much more to community mobbing (entering of a home and rearranging things to freak you out and make you question your reality and sanity are among them)
Please read my book Duplicity and Duress: Snap Factories in the Making by Erin Vans (my pseudonym)

Thank you. I truly was traumatized to the level of shell shock and believed I'd be murdered in my apartment in 2011. I've reached out to 'authorities' but not much they can do or they never respond.
It is that bad if you are an ACTUAL targeted individual.

And please donate if you can as i hope from job to job and sometimes house sit and dog walk. I typically get work-place bullied out of brick and mortar jobs. It's an ACTUAL thing.

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