Spoiler-free book review of Marla by Jonathan Janz

2 years ago

As promised, here's my spoiler-free book review of Marla by Jonathan Janz.

It's out this October from Earthling Publications! Not many remain, but you can get your copy here: http://earthlingpub.com/store.php

I give it 3 stars!

My Star Ranking System defined:
DNF: this book didn't work for me. That doesn't mean it's a bad book or there's anything wrong with it--it's just not to my taste. It could also mean it's an awful book.
1 Star--I'm angry. The less that's said the better. I won't go out of my way to harm the author, but if they jump out in front of my car, I won't swerve to miss them.
2 Stars--I cannot recommend this book. It's got something there but it's buried under tons of shit or it's missing something vital. With some work, maybe it can be a good book but not today, dawg.
3 Stars--I recommend this book! It's a good book that works. I enjoyed reading it and I hope others will as well.
4 Stars--I highly recommend this book! It's a great book! I loved it. I'll probably read it again.
5 Stars--I will recommend this book to everyone for the rest of my life. This book is perfection. The writing is beautiful, the plot is solid, the characters are believable, the dialogue is authentic, the pacing is stirring, the emotions are profound. I don't give this ranking lightly anymore.

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Small Presses you need to follow:
Suntup: https://suntup.press/
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