Talking about mobile games + Root Land Level 11 + Quarter of a million coins + thousands of coins

2 years ago

Talking about mobile games + Root Land Level 11 + Quarter of a million coins + selling thousands of coins worth of tiems!

First video of 2023! Root Land! :)
I'm really happy with the progress of our clan! 4x level 11, 1x level 10, 1x level 9, 1x level 8.
But it does appear that people are getting burnt out from the game and finding it too Grindy, BlueRobot, ClashWithStyle, 2 major players, both sort of find it too repetitive. And unless that changes, the game will die out. The game is not even as good as Everdale yet, and it's been released first as Moose Woods, now as Root Land, for a total of over 1 year now, and is still a very basic game. I do enjoy it, but they need to add more. More content and features. I'll play for another 1.5 months or so and see where I'm at. But Everdale mass lacked updates, and so ultimately died. I talked to someone in NZ yesterday who said that they recently saw an ad for Root Land, really interesting, as it means that Root Land is paying for ads to try and get more users. In my view they need to make the game better vs trying to supplement their loss of players vs new ones. But perhaps it's a meta strategy as they need enough data at this current point to figure out if they'll kill the game or not, so need the player numbers. It's possible but I think unlikely that they make per profit on average vs the average the spend on ads to acquire a new users, but I doubt it otherwise they'd keep doing that.

Our clan should have hit 150 stars by the end of January 2023 which will be awesome, as we will be maxed with all the events unlocked.

I'm currently a rushed level 11. But if I get the upgrade for the farms 2x, plus about 10 animals, plus a few character upgrades, I should be in a very good state. Currently I have 23 animals. My storehouse will be level 11 in 2 days time (currently upgrading), which I think is max for level 11, so critical to have that max level.

Amazing how a brand new clan (like us in Oct 2022) can get to 150 stars, maxed, in about 3 months!

Progress for ones own account feels faster than Everdale, in about 4 months from when you start playing, you'll already be level 12, with most things unlocked. Everdale took ages longer, although Everdale was still fast compared to other Supercell games like Clash of Clans.

We're currently onto our 30th member in our clan. A high rate of players go inactive. Will be interesting to see the future of the game, I don't think it looks good, needs tons more stuff to make it really interesting, I doubt the team is willing to spend till 2024 or 2025 to make it really good, so I think it's more likely to be killed. It's possible it's an undercover Supercell game, but hard to tell, some factors in favor, some factors not. We'll see the state of the game in 2 months time.

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