The Best Catholic YouTube Channels

2 years ago

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Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:

00:00 - Intro
01:49 - Criteria
02:07 - Educational & Edifying
03:26 - Wary of Celebrity
04:28 - Production Quality
05:11 - Holiness
07:09 - Recommendations

A friend of mine recently asked me what a YouTuber like myself likes to watch on YouTube. And this is something that is worth getting advice on and thinking more strategically about than what simply happens to show up on your feed and tickle your curiosity. Because media is pervasive in our lives and there are pitfalls everywhere, including in Catholic media.

When you listen to someone, you’re giving them permission to propose that their thoughts become your thoughts. And in the case of media production, that isn’t a dialogue on an equal footing. You’re at a disadvantage a lot of the time because your mind has been pacified by the algorithm and the effects of entertainment and so we’re extremely susceptible to suggestion, especially by those with a, scripted, manicured, and well produced message. And So, you should be judicious about who you give this permission to.

Instead of telling you what my favourite Catholic channels are, I’d rather share with you the channels I’m happy to recommend and it isn’t just based on my preferences or my tastes. I’ve tried to come up with some criteria that help us evaluate which publishers we should be giving our attention to.

@ThomisticInstitute @PintsWithAquinas @TheCounselofTrent @HarpaDeiMusic @gabiafterhours @emwilss @HowToBeChristian @RebeccaGorzynska @BishopBarron @AscensionPresents @StPaulCenter @KeithNester

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