We can't turn a blind eye!

1 year ago

We can’t turn a blind eye (The Good Samaritan Luke 10:29-37)
Our modern and technologically advanced society has made a generation who has instant video access to events around the world and this has made them numb to what we are seeing. It is not as much that we turn a blind eye to what is going on around us as we have seen so much of it that it no longer affects us or moves us. We entertain ourselves with movies and shows full of violence, explosions, and wars so it does not move us when we see it on the national news. Our favorite shows are full of adultery, sexual immorality, divorce, drug abuse and murder so when it shows up on the local news it is nothing we have not already seen. We are not moved by those suffering around us because we have become desensitized by purposely overloading our lives with drama for entertainment purposes. In the parable of the Good Samaritan there are two men who see an individual in a dire situation, and they choose to simply keep walking and not stop to help. These individuals were both religious men, as one was a priest and the other a Levite, but neither had the love and compassion of God within their heart. I am afraid a major portion of the modern church has become religious like these individuals as our willingness to blend into the world and its entertainment system has caused us to turn a blind eye to those in need.
Going to church, being involved in church, or even having a role in your church doesn’t make you a Christian, a transformational relationship with Jesus makes you a Christian. When Jesus comes in, things change and His love and compassion not only fills your life, but it also overflows from your life. We can no longer turn a blind eye to those suffering around us because we know that we were once in that situation until Jesus stopped by and lifted us up. Jesus did not have to stop, He could have left us where we laid in our sin, but instead, He wanted to help us, He wanted a relationship with us, and He wanted us in His life. It was not an inconvenience that He had to stop, it was His purposeful planning to show His love to everyone He encountered. The Good Samaritan understood this kind of love and transformational power, so should everyone who calls them self and child of God and wants to be a part of His Eternal Kingdom. Purge your life of the entertainment garbage provided by this world and replace it with the Truth of God’s word and see how fast your heart begins to ache for those around you in need. Watch your spiritual awareness of heartache and suffering grow as the Spirit of God fills your life and cleanses you of the mess, we have welcomed in.

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