Native North Americans strange history

2 years ago

Many of these images are very rare and probably not wanted to be very public.
Freedom by Wabanaki music
Urban Indian blues, by Canteohitikahoksila

Most of these photos and information are from and about the Wabanaki , Mic Maq and Iroquois tribes. But there are others mixed in due to relevance and miss labeling of photos.
This does not go back to the tribal tales of where they say there origins are from. Many say they came from the ground. The tribes around the Grand Canyon even talk of ant people. But that would be a lot of work for another video.
My deepest respect and love to all native people around the world. My heart and soul is with them. A small piece of my dna is Wabanaki. I am looking for information on lake Colpitt in Halifax Ca.

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