Why Attractive Men IGNORE Women.| Attractive Men

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why Attractive Men IGNORE Women.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were attracted to someone, but they seemed to completely ignore you?
It can be frustrating and confusing when this happens, especially if you feel like you have a lot in common with the person and could potentially have a great connection.
While there could be a number of reasons why someone might ignore an attractive person, in this video, we will explore some possible reasons why attractive men might ignore women.

00:28 The Girl He Likes Is Taken:
If a guy likes a female but she is involved with another person, he can decide to cut off all contact with her if she is in a relationship with someone else. There are a number of possible explanations for why these guys choose to ignore women, despite the fact that their behaviour may not appear to be the most considerate choice:

01:04 His Feelings Are Not Reciprocated:
A man's worst nightmare is telling a woman he likes her and having her reject him. This can deflate his ego and cost him an important friendship and a sexual relationship. Jake, who writes a dating and relationship advice column for Glamour magazine, suggests following several steps to move on, each of which may be different for each person.

01:35 Fear of Rejection:
It may appear that males are more sensitive to being turned down than women are due to the fact that men are traditionally expected to be the ones to make the first move. When a guy is rejected romantically by a woman, he may experience feelings of undesirability, unattractiveness, and even questioning of his own masculinity. Men can help themselves avoid being rejected by avoiding any and all social situations in which it might occur.

02:36 His Life Is Seriously Busy:
It's easy for some people to feel swamped by their packed schedules, what with their jobs, households, social lives, and extracurricular activities. A man's busy schedule may explain his inability to respond to a woman's advances. According to a 2017 interview published in The Atlantic, individuals nowadays appear to be busier than in the past.

03:00 He Doesn't Care:
There are many varieties of people in this planet. Men can be either incredibly nice or utterly awful. A guy who doesn't care about a girl's feelings is a selfish guy who ignores her. Selfish, egotistical dudes are just concerned with their own happiness and don't give a hoot about how their actions affect anyone else.

03:34 Love Scares Him:
The thought of falling in love is enough to make some guys completely disregard women. Part of what makes a relationship last is being willing to commit and be vulnerable emotionally, but this can be daunting for men who are not used to showing their emotions.

03:50 He Is Angry or Upset:
Men and women have different mental and emotional differences. Men have long been socialized to keep their feelings bottled up, even from themselves.

04:13 He Is Playing Games:
There is a plethora of dating guides written by men and women who have varying perspectives on the other sex. This data can be informative and useful at times, but it can also be harmful when it is based only on someone's own opinion.


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