Free Things You Can Do For Your Health with Dr Catherine Clinton

1 year ago

What have you done for your health?
Do you get enough of the sun?
Disccus Below!

If you feel like leaving last year behind you and stepping into a whole new world of health, then today's guest is a perfect person to listen to as she chats with Philly through all the wonderful, predominantly free things that you can do for your health. Dr. Catherine Clinton is a licensed naturopathic physician with a focus on gut autoimmunity and she is a psychoneuroimmunologist. She's here to advise on all things germs and microbes to the best time to expose yourself to the sun.


Dr. Catherine is passionate about the connections we have with the world around us and how these connections can regenerate our health and the health of the planet. She sees an urgent need for healing our internal terrain. As well as healing the terrain of the world we live in.
The Germ theory camp led by Louis Pasteur ascribed to the belief that each germ causes one disease, one germ causes one disease. The biologists and physiologists looking at Terrain theory are talking about how the environment around the cell or organism or microbe dictates what that organism is going to do.
We live in fear of these germs and bacteria and fungi, but we're made up of them. That's what we are. We are actually nature. We've separated ourselves from that connection to nature and are being taught to fear it and that it’s the cause of our illnesses.
We have reconfigured the natural ecosystem around us into this hierarchy with us on top. Hands on our hip and microscope in hand. This is probably why our energy in the world is quite low at the moment. We are seeing sickness and disease run rampant.
Sunlight is an energy source for our bodies but we’re taught that it is dangerous for our skin. Sunlight is so essential for our mental health and wellbeing but we’re being brainwashed to cover our skin with toxic sunscreens. The skin is the biggest organ of the body and absorbs everything you put on it.


‘One minute of fear hits the immune system for six to seven hours, whereas one minute's laughter boosts the immune system for 24 hours’
‘Western science has really taken over the stage when it comes to science globally, and the way that they do it is really by removing and elevating the human above all else’
‘The sun is forming our biology, it's boosting our mitochondrial function’



Dr. Catherine Clinton ND is a licensed naturopathic physician with a focus on gut health, autoimmunity and psychoneuroimmunology. A respected author, speaker, paediatric health advocate, Dr. Catherine practices in Eugene, Oregon.
When in medical school Dr. Catherine was diagnosed with and healed from an autoimmune disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract, leaving her with a passion to prevent autoimmunity in children everywhere. Dr. Catherine addresses the psychoneuroimmune system and gut health of children and families through a deeper connection with the world around us.
Dr. Catherine is passionate about the connections we have with the world around us and how these connections can regenerate our health and the health of the planet. She sees an urgent need for healing our internal terrain as well as healing the terrain of the world we live in.


Philly J Lay is the author of The Natural Wellness Journal, EFT practitioner, and is also a long-standing advocate for our health and that of our planet. After a near death experience and years of grief, resulting in a range of chronic illnesses, she discovered personalised natural medicine and the associated miracles of the body and power of the mind. Philly is passionate in her belief that everything is connected and that when we learn to heal ourselves, it will help to heal this beautiful world. Find all my socials and links here


The Wellness Way with Philly J Lay is a layperson’s guide to your natural health systems. Your very own NHS. Join me as I chat through many of the astonishing natural ways I used to self heal from a near death medical procedure, PTSD, addiction to opioids and alcohol, and years of grief that lead to many chronic illnesses including a tumour in my throat.
I will be sharing clips from my new Fasterclass series, Your Natural Wellness Journey, and interviewing some of the remarkable guides that have transformed my life. We will discuss their stories, specialist fields, and what led them down the path of natural health.

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