2 years ago

So, getting holes punched in your range bag or dents in the back of your vehicle from metal ammo cans is cool but...  There is a better way.  And it doesn't involve self destructing plastic bags and cardboard boxes.  EMDOM, in conjunction with Military Morons, has created the Ammo S.A.C. (Soft Ammo Can).  It is a feature rich, convenient and durable way to carry your ammo.

They will do a great job carrying rifle, pistol or shotgun ammo.  The smaller version carries about 750 rounds of 5.56mm, while the larger one holds about 1000 rounds of 5.56mm.  And, once you have some rounds in there, it is a pretty mean weapon of opportunity...

Go here to find the Small S.A.C (which I reviewed): https://www.emdomusa.com/Emdom-MM-Ammo-SAC-Small-p/eu098as.htm

Or the Large S.A.C.: https://www.emdomusa.com/Emdom-MM-Ammo-SAC-Large-p/eu098al.htm

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