2 years ago

Philosophy of Occultism

The most crucial aspect is that we must exercise extreme caution when deciding how much and what kind of data to post online.

Since the dawn of humanity, occultism has existed.

What is concealed beneath the term "occultism" is something we are unsure of precisely.

There are various questions about occultism, such as if it is closely tied to esotericism, whether it is sinister, and whether it has a dark side.

In the book Occult Philosophy by Agrippa, a mystic, doctor, esotericist, and occultist, the word "occult" was first used. Does the occult include everything said?

And what is the current state of the occult in the world? How far has it seeped into society's pores? How much of that was caused by the media?

A moral panic about occultism has spread online, thanks to influencers, pop stars, and the current Balenciaga incident, among other things.

Unfounded conspiracy theories are emerging from the depths of the mainstream as concepts propagated by people and organizations find a home in politics and spread like wildfire on social media.

Twitter and TikTok explainers claim that global elites participate in ceremonial child sacrifices in order to obtain "adrenochrome" from the blood of the victims and maintain their youth forever.

Do you know what satanic panic is? Yes, the movie, but

America had the first "Satanic Panic" in the 1980s and early 1990s. At the time, the media was rife with images of godless teenagers corrupted by heavy metal and rock music's subliminal Satanic teachings while clad entirely in black.

Rumors that an underground network of devil worshippers was entering daycare facilities across the nation to torture children and use them in occult rituals stoked the public's dread of the occult to a fever pitch .

Although the precise reason for this widespread frenzy is still unknown, some historians have attributed it to the financial recession of the time, which led to a rise in conservative attitudes.

Tradition, religion, became the people's go-to sources of comfort, anything that threatened these principles was viewed as a threat.

In light of this, it doesn't take long to deduce that the current Satanic Panic is more about our uncertain times than it is about elites who drink our blood.

Nowadays, people are looking to a wide range of alternative narratives in an effort to make sense of the confusing world they live in.

This is particularly true when youth turn to TikTok as their fastest-growing news source and as their mistrust of traditional media outlets develops.

The wealth disparity is widening as neoliberalism further degrades our quality of life.

The same is true for official news organizations that depend on significant funders who have their own agendas.

Ironically, it is these real blood sucking elites, typically right wing commentators and huge tech corporations, who promote sensationalist stories to divert attention from the issues at hand, which they are directly responsible for.

For example, there is a strong elite group that governs the world around us for their own financial advantage, but not in the manner that many conspiracy theorists would have us believe.

If anything, the internet has given these theories a larger and more accessible platform where they can smolder and evolve. With the development of social media, we have witnessed this notably during the past ten years.

It makes sense that, in this climate of media mistrust, it's simpler to conjecture about hypothetical child abuse cults than it is to hold the Powers That Be accountable.

It appears that contemporary science, with its promises of a better, fairer world, has failed us as social media shreds any notion of a consensus reality and western ideas of the anthropocene deplete our natural resources.

The speed of technological advancement and the sophistication of algorithms are both staggering and our lives feel more out of control than ever.

The algorithm undoubtedly multiplies conspiracies, which are all attempts to divert attention from the more worrisome reality.

But we must also consider why, as a society, we are so captivated to concepts of the devil in the first place, particularly given that many of the online propagandists for these theories aren't even religious.

However, the present targets of these sinister conspiracies are merely those who defy what traditionalists deem to be proper – and typically, it's just those who are striving to be avant-garde.

Why don't liberals question the societal and institutional factors that contribute to, hide, and sustain actual child abuse instead of freaking out over celebrity merchandise releases and fashion campaigns?

Maybe we should be worried about the genuine devils in possession of our data streams.

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