Reasons For Concern for mRNA Vaxx

1 year ago

Is it possible that the modifications to the nanoparticle lipid and mRNA utilized within Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are causing some of the adverse effects witnessed post vaccination?
There were certain challenges that juice producers faced while trying to find an effective remedy for the disease Covid-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are listed as follows.
1) Rapid clearance of the injected extracellular mRNA
2) Getting cells to take up the NLP's or nano particle lipids.
3) Getting the body to have the desired immune response.
The solution to each of the listed problems revolved around the genetic modification of the mRNA sequenced from the DNA template of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as the design and creation of the lipid nanoparticles. The modifications discussed within this video are as follows.
1. The Lipid Nano Particle Construction
If the synthetic mRNA created was injected into our body alone, or as is, our body would detect the foreign pathogen and attack it. The immune response triggered by the detection and attack of the foreign pathogen wasn't desirable to doctors and creators of the vaccine. Thus, they created something to help assist the mRNA travel undetected throughout the body, as well as to assist it with being taken up by cells, the lipid nanoparticle. This lipid was created to mimic human lipids and phospholipids to ensure that it assisted the mRNA in gaining entry to the cell. The lipid nanoparticles look like exosomes, in which are extracellullar vesicles secreted by cells and taken up by their neighbors, and they also often embed DNA or RNA. Again, this was done intentionally, so that the mRNA could engage in the natural processes that helps elements enter into cells, such as endocytosis. In which is a process that normally internalizes extracellular exosomes into endosomes once within the cell. The process of endocytosis describes the attachment and entry of the virus and mRNA to the cell. Once within the cell, the lipid nanoparticle and mRNA sit within the cytoplasm of the cell. The molecule acidifies and then the mRNA is released into the cytoplasm of the cell. This is where translation into protein takes place. After much protein is created, the proteins fold in the appropriate shape to create new infectious virus particles - the genetically modified spike protein (S) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The infectious particles exit the cell through a process called budding and excocytosis.
The lipid nanoparticles in these vaccines are composed of ionizable cationic lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol and polyethyleine glycol (PEG). Together, this mixture assembles into a stable lipid bilayer around the mRNA molecule. Protecting and shielding the mRNA from our immune system so that the mRNA could reach the appropriate cells and code for S. The phospholipids in these experimental vaccines consist of a phosphatidylcholine headgroup connected to two saturated alkyl tails through a glycerol linker. The lipid used in these vaccines, named 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), has 18 repeat carbon units (Seneff, Nigh, 2021). Ingredients like PEG ensure that the lipid nanoparticle is more stable and does not breakdown too fast as that would also cause an undesired immune response.
I theorize that some people may have adverse effects and responses to the vaccine as a result of this lipid nanoparticle. Read the quote from an article released by the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research below.
"The lipid shell plays a triple role. First, it protects the genetic material from degradation prior to cellular uptake. Second, the lipid shell, which also contains cholesterol, facilitates cellular uptake through fusion with the lipid membrane of the cell and subsequent endocytosis of the lipid particle, invoking naturally existing processes. And finally, it acts as an adjuvant (Ho et al., 2021). It is in this latter role as immune stimulant that most concerns have been raised regarding the widespread use of PEG in an injection therapy.
In an article published in May 2019, prior to large clinical trials involving these PEGylated vaccines, Mohamed et. al. (2019) described a number of concerning findings regarding PEG and the immunological activation it had been shown to produce, which includes humoral, cell-mediated, and complement-based activation. They note that, paradoxically, large injection doses of PEG cause no apparent allergic reaction. Small doses, though, can lead to dramatic pathological immune activation. Vaccines employing PEGylation utilize micromolar amounts of these lipids, constituting this potentially immunogenic low-dose exposure."
End of Quote
Please see the provided research for more information.
2. mRNA Modifications
One of the modifications to the mRNA has been discussed previously. Again, being that extracellular mRNA can cause a innate immune response, which would lead to rapid clearance of the mRNA and not the desired immune response, the mRNA was hidden within an lipid nanoparticle, whom's ingredients were chosen to mimic human lipids and phospholipids to ensure access to processes that naturally take place within the body and consequently cellular entry. The next modification, and primary modification discussed in this video is the alteration of the mRNA after it's synthesis from the SARS-CoV-2 DNA template. Although several modifications have taken place, and they will all be addressed in later videos. The modification addressed here is within the swapping of the nucleotide, uridine, for pseudouridine. This modification was made to ensure that the mRNA doesn't breakdown as fast as it could or would without it. Thus, it protects the mRNA from breaking down and ensures that the S protein could cause the desired immune response. Some scientist have stated that the S protein alone is what's causing the adverse effects that we're seeing. Unfortunately, the synthetic version of the S protein is exactly what the body is creating.
With this research I question if it's possible that the very things done in hopes to create a strong vaccine serves as a double edge sword and also has the potential to hurt the very people it intended to help?

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