DEPOPULATION o filantropo

1 year ago

Infertility by Vaccines: A Diabolical Agenda

If you’ve not seen this short (30minute) film by Children’s Health Defense, I strongly urge that you do so now

What was uncovered in Kenya, involving WHO & later on, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is truly shocking

For a number of years, there was an official if unpublicised campaign out of WHO to develop then deploy vaccines designed to induce infertility in African girls and women of childbearing age

WHO publicly stated the vaccination campaigns were against tetanus. However, careful analytical work undertaken by a number of independent companies and universities confirmed the presence in batches of vaccines destined for use in the field contained not only tetanus toxoid (as expected) but hCG, a essential hormone of pregnancy

It’s also the hormone detected in urine and is the basis of widely-used pregnancy test kits you can buy in any pharmacy

Those plastic PCR tests I pointed out as being a litmus paper. We were to believe detected Covid

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