2 years ago

Common sense is best and time will tell the tale.
Most “diets” are based on fads and fickle trends that exploit the modern human desperation for fat loss and a body image desire for unachievable TV images. Fake shortcuts are in vogue in the modern world and fake diets unfortunately, are a money-grab for the unscrupulous and their used, enthusiastic indoctrinated agents.

Scientific evidence can be manipulated to favour a certain viewpoint when profits are at stake. One classic example that should never be forgotten is the now undeniable correlation between cigarettes and lung cancer. Beyond the discovery, 30 years of scientific arguments followed. The cigarette companies and Corporations were able to hold off government legislation with fake counter-science until new markets were found in other regions of the world for their addictive tobacco products.

Currently the newest and most deadly Multinational Corporation manipulations that threaten the health and life of humanity are GMO glyphosate (Agent Orange defoiliant) resistant poisoned food, addictive pharmaceutical drugs, brain destroying fluoridated water, hormone destroying plastics and deadly binary weaponised vaccines (Prof Leuren Moret and International War Crimes Judge Prof Alfred Lambremont Webre, Dr Leonard Coldwell, Prof Walter Veith, Prof Eric Jon Phelps).

Excerpt from "Nevabetta for Everyone" by Jim Taousanis

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