First Update

2 years ago

This is a first update as I have been away for quite a long time. More videos to come however they will be on different platforms as my time here is coming to an end due to the level of censorship which is exceeding our humanitarian sovereignty to KNOW and be INFORMED of the Truth in all things.

I do not consent to any of what is happening worldwide and what the 'elite covens' are enacting in the theatre of this Realm, of which 'they' have produced through obscure methods to inform the populate of the REALS & PRIMES utilizing the LAW. I am making it known that I AM represinting the True LAWS of all Sentient Life & speak on behalf of ALL PRIMES & REALS that WE DO NOT CONSENT to the current state of affairs in undermining our freedoms, Sovereignty and unlimited Powers of our Meta abilities through all the hijacking systems and corrupt laws of inversion and we are here to claim our INFINI-VERSES back along with our entire Essence/Essenah from any and all dark polarities in this 'game' that is not a game but a check mate system. We claim the return of All that We Are in memory and all that which has been kept from the Primes in that memory and Terrah memory.
WE ARE FREE and always have been and always WILL BE.

Those guilty of playing within the dark Matrices against the PRIMES in whatever duality systems created by the aurobouros eternity systems will be held accountable and their day of reckoning is NIGH!

Remember also Russia is merely playing it's Biblical prophetic role that has been written in many old texts. All the world is a stage!

There is so much work to be done so I'm putting a shout out for assistance as I can't do this alone. Please email me at if you are being called by the Spirit to assist.

Sending Love to all - I'm getting my last surgery so I will be still taking the time needed to recover before I am able to get back into the flow but for now I will keep doing what I can. There is so much to be unveiled.

Be not afraid for we are Love and we bring the Light of the Father & the Mother dismantling principalities of darkness. No darkness can withstand nor stand against us when we walk in the Way of that Truth in Spirit within the Temple of Heaven, the Body, however we must Stand against all tyranny and say NO! This is our Infini-Verse in self expression and we are infinite and eternal in Original PRIME creation.

Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. " ........and we are those Heavenly Places!

Let it be known.

DECLARATION OF LAW: As per the Law, if any energy body or form on all levels, across all time, dimensions and timelessness, within any sub-layer of any and all existences and realities as per quantum experience of manifested or non-manifestation should attempt to project Unwarranted harm unto our energy bodies or upon anything or entity that has our Name Written upon it in any way on any level of existence across all quantum layers and levels, their energies will automatically be rendered neutralized from our Infini-Verses and will reap their own projected forms of harm upon their lives and their experience, whilst the opposite will result in our Verse of Love and Abundance and Protection & Peace.

The same effect is enacted for any deliberate harm intended in misuse of our publicly shared materials if utilized for negative purposes. All materials produced by Sovereign Ki are for the express purpose of the Highest Prime Original Good outside all matrices, counterfeit realities and inverse verses on all levels, dimensions, densities, folds, pockets and times in timelessness.

Shared information and labors are intended to serve the Highest Positive Potential in Unlocking individuals towards the Great Becoming of all that Seek Truth, Heart wisdom, the Heart of all Verses, Knowledge and Emancipation from all bound realities- Lauda and George Leon

Intro Music credits: Easier to Fade (feat. Madi Larson) by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Outro- The Tide- The Irrespresibles

End Music by: Kevin MacLeod "Ancient Rite". (Royalty Free).

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