Pricing of courses...what are some of these artists thinking?

2 years ago


Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how they've noticed some artists are charging ridiculous pricing for courses.  If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to  email us at
Key talking points: 
* Are artists trying to take advantage of artists with the pricing structure of the courses? Charging $1500 for a 6-week course is more than what you'd pay for a college-level focused course.
* In-depth courses should have pre-requisites to ensure that everyone within the course has the same level of experience.
* We kind of get fired up about everyone taking advantage of artists.
* To find the success you need from these courses you need the self-discipline to get something out of the course.
* Copyrighting for content go to Jim Edwards's book Copyrighting Secrets. and his software is 
* Emails should be short and sweet...Headline is the #1 thing to focus on.  Use this headline analyzer to help with your open rate.
* You cannot take a 6-week course and expect to be successful.  
* Keep in mind that these course providers are only showcasing their top 1%...
* Do the research on the teachers that are selling the course to evaluate whether they are worth it. * Look at LinkedIn, their shops, Google them, their Facebook, etc.
* Art classes and business classes from artists should be the same price rather than devaluing their art side. 
* Put your courses at a realistic price.
* Artists need to stop devaluing their art courses.

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Resources Mentioned
Jim Edwards's book Copyrighting Secrets. and his software is
headline analyzer
Lots of Free Art Business Resources here. 
Our Websites and Shops
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