You Have Power to Shift Timelines

2 years ago

What we think about and focus on manifests and multiplies. While some people are focusing on whatever the media tells them to focus on, we take it upon ourselves to focus our attention on our own joy and reality. We realize our own desires. During these unprecedented times, many people are discussing wars, rumors of wars, food shortages, monetary and banking failures. This is causing angst for some, but opportunities and hope for others. Those of us who have an abundance mindset, know that we can transmute energy, thoughts, events and behaviors. We have reign (power) over our own lives, so we utilize our power to live and thrive in abundance. This is what sove-reignty means: to have power or reign over our own lives. We see rumors of food shortages as opportunities to create sustainable farming. We see discussions about wars as opportunity to create peace. We see bank failures and financial markets as opportunities to create our own banks, by investing in precious metals (real money) and by bartering with one another. Who cares of the dollar fails, when you have fractional silver, gold, community, seeds and/or barter ability? By doing these things, we create our own timelines. We make the shift from the third dimension where fear resides, to higher dimensions where joy, peace, freedom and prosperity reside. We don't have to wait on the Creator or Galactic Federation or government to shift us into higher dimensions. Although they are present to help us, we can actually make the shift ourselves. In this video, I highlight how to do this. #timelineshift #5D #sovereignty
Peace and prosperity,
Dr. Kia Pruitt

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