Breaking! A fence surrounds the federal reserve! Is the Federal Reserve banking system going down?

2 years ago

#federalreserve #NESARA #QueenElizabeth
Remember, we have gold and gold will destroy the fed! ~Q. There is no coincidence that there is now a fence around the federal reserve headquarters! The central banking system is dead! Over. Gone. This is why @realdonaldtrump; the real president nominated Dr. Judy Shelton to oversee the criminal federal reserve....because she is a proponent for the gold standard! Countries are dropping the USD and returning to gold 16 states accept gold as legal tender now It's! It's why the fed was merged into the US treasury dept. It's why mortgage companies are closing. Debt is slavery. All debts will be canceled. Hallelujah! Trust me, the federal reserve banking system is being destroyed in real time. Trump has always said that we need to end the fed. The banking system with their credit, unlawful usury (interest rates) and their "comrades", the irs utilizes practices to enslave humanity. This is why the IRS will cease to exist This is the reason that House Resolutions were put forth under the Trump administration to monitor (and destroy) the IRS HR 24. This is why HR 5404 was initiated to return us back to the gold standard, under Trump. I said this years ago and my message has not changed. I'm consistent because truth is consistent. No matter how things appear, 46 is not the commander in chief. Humanity is being liberated. Those with discerning eyes can see this. Let us rejoice! NESARA-GESARA. WWG1WGA wherewegoonewegoall WWG1WGAWW WhereWeGoOneWeGoAllWorldWide

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