Oh **** - Your Testosterone Levels Just Dropped By 150% (new research)

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Oh **** - Your Testosterone Levels Just Dropped By 150% (new research)
I don’t even know where to start with today’s video because it’s just riddled with bad news for us guys. Especially for all of you guys who have NOT taken action on my previous videos about boosting your testosterone levels, naturally…

But, I guess I’ll start from the beginning…

Dr. Robbins - is it true that the average 22-year-old man has the SAME testosterone levels as a 67-year-old man did, just 20 years ago?... I know in the past you’ve said how men’s testosterone levels are much lower these days, but are things truly this bad now?

If yes, what’s the cause and the solution?Well, depending on which study you’re looking at, the numbers are different.However, the bottom line is always the same result. There are dozens of human studies clearly showing that yes, men’s testosterone levels are much lower these days.

Not just a little bit either…But as low as 50% less to as much as 140% less, compared to the year, 2000 - that’s just a little over 20 years ago.Regardless of the study, or if it’s 25% or 150% … it’s a big drop.Now, the same trend also follows because other studies have shown historically lowMarriage ratesBirth RatesAnd even decreased sexual activity by men, especially younger guys (ie: erectile problems)

There are also high rates of depression in men, especially younger men – and yes, testosterone controls moodGynocomastia or “man boobs” - and yes, this is because of lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels and other hormonal imbalancesI can get into much deeper levels about all of this and if you want me to in future videos, let me know below in the comments section… However, you get the point… things are just getting worse each year.The bottom line is that in modern society, men are becoming LESS manly – hormonally, physically and yes, even emotionally.Even women are complaining that men aren’t men anymore, at least – not like they used to be.

Okay, it’s clear most guys do NOT have maximal testosterone levels and optimal hormonal balance.So, what’s the cause and more importantly, what can you do to reverse and fix this negative trend?

Well, the honest answer is that it’s never just ONE main cause. It’s usually a few key factors. And I’ve discussed these in detail in previous videos and I’ll link the videos below, in the description area.However, there are a few big problems

1] STRESS - is a major one. Not as much physical stress, but emotional & mental stress. AS well, poor sleep is a big stressor. In fact, people are getting 20% less sleep now, than just 20 years ago
2] DIET - yes, diet is a major issue. Less whole foods are being eaten today and more packaged foods that aren’t natural. We are lacking key nutrients, vitamins, minerals and herbs.
3] EXERCISE - most people aren’t moving much. They have more fat and less muscle. Then there are those who are working out too much, too often and too hard.
4] ENVIRONMENT - and then there’s stuff that we can’t even control, like environmental factors like what’s found in the foods we eat, water, electronic devices and so forth.Again, more details about these factors and solutions are found below in the description area.All of these factors is creating hormonal imbalances and basically, making you less manly and more feminine.And you can tell in the way guys act, think, look and perform - especially in the bedroom.However, the good news is that all of this can be turned around and fixed - regardless of your age.And NO, you don’t have to follow any crazy or restrictive diets. Or exercise a couple of hours daily. Or completely unplug from modern technology and devices. Or have to take a bunch of lame supplements that most don’t work.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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