Pope Emeritus Ratzinger’s Death Reveals New Perils for Sclerotic & Heretical Church

2 years ago

Only Way to Fix Holy Roman Catholic Church Crisis is Ending Clerical Celibacy Debacle

From Pope Benedict’s death, the last day of 2022, at age 92, Catholics now have a parade view of the sad difference between Pope Benedict's v. Pope Francis’ style of leadership. It paints a disastrous scenario for declining communal health. The symbolism of a Church whose last vestiges of Law and Order and commitment to biblical principles was buried today after lying in a state of repose is a ghastly reminder.

The current Pope debauches the Church for postmodernism, with nothing but debates, abandonment and collapse resulting. Recall when Benedict, aka Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, resigned, as John Paul II’s “defender of the faith.” Benedict startlingly claimed he quit to fight the ‘Vatican’s gay cabal’ operating at the highest levels. See, “Gay cabal forces Benedict’s resignation!”

Andrew Sullivan, gay journalist and Catholic wrote: The Corruption of the Vatican’s Gay Elite Has Been Exposed, commenting on Frédéric Martel's -- “In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy. ” Martel states an ultra majority of priests are gay. See “Vatican Vice: Drink, drugs, porn and rent-boys taint the image of the Holy See”:

“There’s ample examples of Vatican residents treading the dark side, like gay priests using services of rent-boys catering to clerics. Former priest Patrizio Poggi, a convicted pedophile, told Italian police a Carabinieri police officer ‘pimped’ young male prostitutes from gay discos, saunas and a bar called Twink near Rome’s main train station for Vatican City priests and officials.”

So what difference does a gay cabal make in the Vatican? In fact, it’s in complete contradiction with Vatican teachings. Further, if the Church believes gays are "Intrinsically Disordered”, then why does the Pope seem to flirt with the idea of gay priests, claiming he has no moral right to judge their behavior? Also, why would the Vatican gather gay priests if the Church is opposed? See: 80% of priests in the Vatican are gay: new book. Says Martel:

“Still, for Pope Benedict XVI, the uninterrupted sequence of revelations about sexual abuse in the Church was more than a ‘season in hell’. It struck at the heart of the Ratzinger system and its theology. Whatever the public denials and positions of principle might have been, Benedict was well aware deep inside, I would dare to say from experience, that celibacy, abstinence and the failure to acknowledge the homosexuality of priests were at the heart of the whole scandal. His thought, minutely elaborated at the Vatican for four decades, exploded into pieces. This intellectual failure must have contributed to his resignation.”

It would be hard to imagine a more profound sense of Cognitive dissonance. The Church, according to official Catholic policy defines gay sexuality as “acts of grave depravity”, as “intrinsically disordered” and “contrary to the natural law.” At the same time 3rd in command of the Vatican Cardinal Pell was convicted of sex assaults against preteen boys. Once again the church did nothing to quell the Raging Fire. But now Pell, fresh from prison, salutes Pope Ratzinger who opposed his cabal.

But consider the vast damage the church has absorbed from the mindless Pope Francis, who's inflicted postmodernism on the church. In fact, if Frances were a CEO of a major corporation- which the Roman Catholic Church certainly is an analogy of – Francis would have been fired in a shareholder revolt for having destroyed every important element of the corporation. Francis has single-handedly destroyed the reason any open-minded person might decide to join.

Consider that Francis claims hell does no exist:

Interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Mar 28, 2018: When asked where bad souls are punished, Francis replied: “They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.”

Francis also claims even fierce opponents of Christ go to heaven, even Muslims – who may have in following their beliefs killed Christians: “We must never forget that Moslems ‘profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, who will judge humanity on the last day’.” Evangelii Gaudium, November, 2013. Add to this Francis' open war with Donald Trump even traveling to the Border of the United States to wage a PR campaign against his presidency.

Pope Francis' reply to critics of gay priests, “Who am I to judge”? But isn't it true the majority of these unmarried priests are gay, running loose & causing havoc? See, The priesthood is being crucified on the cross of celibacy:

We cannot bring about real reform of the Roman Catholic priesthood unless we do away with mandatory celibacy for diocesan priests in the Latin rite. Why would that improve the priesthood? It would make priests more honest about ourselves and sexuality.

Let's face it – the ancient Holy Roman Church is now fully postmodern. And Francis represents the new spirit of the church so much more than expired Pope Ratzinger. In the end analysis – that's the entire problem – isn't it?

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