Jackie Fowler-Lewis III - The Unexplained Reality of Manhood

2 years ago

“You can't help anybody until you are able and willing to help yourself.” -Jackie Lewis

Have you ever wondered about the attack on masculinity that is taking place in our society?

What kind of life will you create?

In today's episode, we'll talk with Jackie about the unexplained reality of manhood. As a marriage and fatherhood expert, he will also discuss the importance of manhood in the family, as well as current trends in our society that attack masculinity and what we can do about it.

Jackie Lewis is a professional motivational speaker and author specializing in relationships and mentoring. As a professional speaker, he successfully supports companies and individuals in realizing their full potential and giving them a new direction. He makes the problems and concerns that stand in your way tangible and thereby helps you develop new perspectives and discover a road to more success, satisfaction, strength, and productivity.

Check out these episode highlights:
-How to become the change you want to see
-You’re only in competition with yourself
-Social media has been designed in a way that prevents people from knowing who their genuine selves are
-You can't pour from an empty cup
-Society has been built to create more followers rather than leaders
-The destination isn't the goal
-Single motherhood produces a generation of men who have had less masculine influence in their lives
-Manhood is not a designation, it’s a choice
-The unexplained reality of manhood
-Don't take advice from people who you would not want to be
-The gender bias in the family courts
-Children emulate what we do not what we say
-Why are men are the enemy and how to overcome it
-No one can keep you from the truth
-The best thing you can do for your children is to be present in you
-When you’re honest, in bleeds into other parts of your life

Tune in to learn more values from this episode!

Follow Jackie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_thejackielewis/

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