Low Band Crossbody Tricep Extensions

2 years ago

Loop a pullup or long loop band through itself on the support beam of a power rack of other machine at around waist or bellybutton height. Stand next to the power rack so that the band is a few inches in front of your stomach when you pick it up with the far arm. Keep your body stable with either locked legs or a slight bend in the hips and knees. With the band in your hand via a pistol grip, bring your elbow out to the side of your body and extend the band using only your triceps. The band should be around waist height or slightly lower. Keep the elbow in the same position throughout this exercise. We are bending our elbow from 90° to about 180° and then back to 90°. If you want more resistance, use a thicker band or walk farther from the squat rack.

Trainer Tip: This is a great accessory for the bench press for both prehab, rehab, and warmup. This teaches the cue to “spread the bar” and reinforces using the tricep to lock out the bar instead of the rotator cuff.

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