#NEW | The Deception of the Defeatists | The Ultimate Victory Series | Excerpt #7 | Shaykh Ahmad

2 years ago

"When they taint the Da'wah with Maslahah – that's their defense – the Maslahah defense, the Democracy defense, liberation of land defense sometimes, 'we need to unite for that', or general unity, or secularism, or interfaith – we proclaim ours on Tawheed of Allah سبحانه و تعالى as He ordered us."
— Shaykh Ahmad [حفظه الله]

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● YouTube 2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClE3onjwcmS6hOBsVYDGC0w
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Shaykh_Ahmad_Jibril

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Democracy is Shirk, Kufr of Democracy, Voting is Shirk, Maslahah benefit in democracy voting, Islamic Democracy, Interfaith Islam, Secular Islam, Unity Islam, Democracy Islam, Voting is Haram, Erdogan Imran Khan Khalifah, Morsi Shariah Democracy, Taghut, Victory in Islam, Tawakkul, Sabr, Yaqeen, Muslim Youth, Young Muslims, Islamic lecture, Muslim Scholar, Islamic Scholar, Tawheed, Muslim prisoners, Aseer, Muslim captives

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