Jeremiah Builds a Kingdom

1 year ago

Hidden within the pages of history is a most remarkable event: The Prophet Jeremiah built and ruled a kingdom in Ireland! Understand how Jeremiah’s kingdom fulfills Bible prophecy and sends a hope-filled message to the entire world.


The Prophet Jeremiah planted the throne of David in Ireland and built a kingdom there, which he ruled for 40 years. This is the shocking truth, as revealed by history and prophecy. Under Jeremiah, Ireland exported its world-class educational system to other nations, even impacting the mighty British Empire.

By transferring the throne of David from Judah to Ireland, Jeremiah protected the very throne from which Jesus Christ will rule for all eternity! The government structure and education that Jeremiah established in Ireland are an astonishing witness to all mankind—a small type of the coming Kingdom of God.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible to prove the wondrous purpose of Jeremiah’s lifelong work. God chose Jeremiah while he was still in his mother’s womb. Jeremiah’s commission was that important. It involves you and every person who has ever lived!

Study Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible to understand why the warning of Jeremiah applies directly to you, even though he wrote it thousands of years ago. Learn about the glorious reward that awaits those who help deliver Jeremiah’s message and complete his commission. Discover how God kept His promise of an endless throne to King David. Unlock the only hope of mankind.

Also request our free booklet Education With Vision. The Prophet Jeremiah enlightened the world by spreading true education. God revealed this revolutionary educational system to him. Without God’s revelation, there can be no true education.

Study Education With Vision to learn why the flood of knowledge in this modern age has done little to solve world problems. Uncover the rotten roots of modern education. Understand what makes true education vastly different from modern education. Discover how to receive education with vision—not just how to earn a living, but how to really live.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible and Education With Vision. Order now!

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