Corrupt Alaska House Great Debate for Alaska State Budget Day 3

2 years ago

Today is Day Three of the House Floor Session to pass:

Alaskans PFD's are being stolen by #akleg. The current Budget is around $7 Billion Dollars. This is $2.2 Billion more than what they spent last year.

#akleg spent every penny of the Surplus Tax Revenue they got this year. All $3.5 Billion. This is what was left after paying for the "Entire Budget" that was proposed, before the House Finance received the Spring Forecast for Revenue & Decided to spend it all. Using that as their reason to justify not paying the Statutory PFD.

Now I'm sure you think the increase was from the Energy Stimulus Check or maybe from the small PFD they are planning to give again this year combined. The increase is not from them trying to buy our votes with that $1300.00 Stimulus Check they want to give us. It's not from the $1200.00 PFD they want to give us, breaking Alaskan Law once again by not paying a Statutory PFD. (Which is estimated to be $4200.00 this year). Nope... It's because they Expanded all K-12 $60 Million & once again trying to forward fund an additional year for them, University $15 Million, Unions $1 Billion, Rasmuson Foundation (Hundreds of Millions), Public Media $2 Million, Tax Credits owed to Oil Companies, $500 Million, ETC.....

This is the Most Corrupt Budget that has been Debated in over 8 Years & we have had some real stinkers in the past. This Budget lines all the pockets of the Special Interests. Making sure that they get their contributions back for supporting the corrupt #akleg elections, so they can keep lining the pockets of the Special Interests. That they are paying off with this Very Corrupt Budget....

In Addition:

Today these Legislators and those who say they are for Protecting the Future of the PFD....

Will pretend this discussion will have any impact on those running #akleg in Juneau...... Those in charge there though have made it perfectly clear that the PFD is to be spent on Government/Special Interests & the Alaskans that it belongs to will just have to bend over and take it....

Please ignore the $3.5 Billion in Surplus Revenue they have this year in Taxes. This is what they have left after paying for the State & Capital Budget & Without Using the POMV Draw. Our AK Legislators could pay the Statutory PFD this year and pay back every penny stolen from us the last six years and still not spend all the Profits the Corpus of the PFD and ERA Accounts have made in Profits, just this past year.

Stop believing their Lies. Start Spreading the Truth About Their Theft of Our PFD's!!

What are you doing to Save the PFD?

let's Be honest here…. Finance holds all the appropriation power/purse strings. The rest of #akleg hope & pray your work gets seen, (play along to get along) then the left Majority rubber stamp what House Finance passes on to the who body.

These Legislators Below Control the Purse Strings & what gets spent, the rest of you are just warm bodies there to rubber stamp their spend more agenda:

Rep. Neal Foster, Rep. Kelly Merrick, Rep. Dan Ortiz, Rep. Adam Wool, Rep. Bryce Edgmon, Rep. Andy Josephson, Rep. Sara Rasmussen, Rep. Steve Thompson, Rep. Bart LeBon
In the Senate:
Senator David Wilson, Senator Bert Stedman, Senator Natasha von Imhof, Senator Click Bishop, Senator Lyman Hoffman, move to the floor.

Poor, poor Republicans are scared that if they don’t play along, they won’t get anything. Already defeated before ever sitting down to the table. Democrats/Rino Republicans like Merrick, Poison Ivy, Wilson, Natasha, Stedman, Bishop, Wool, Merrick, Edgmon etc…will get everything they want because they would rather be feasting at the table, not collecting the scraps, like Republicans do, hoping, praying something they are working on might get moved, giving the Corrupt Left everything they want as they continue to pray. Sad….

What are you doing to Save The PFD? The Illegal Binding Caucus Alaska House Coalition decided us Peasants are not worthy enough for them to Follow the Law…
The Greed & Entitlement is Astounding!


Make sure to Like and Share. MSM is going to spin this as a bad thing happening to match the Far Lefts Agenda and do everything they can to discredit the information provided here today.

That’s why I’m here to livestream this to all of you so We Alaskans can have this information without the Lefts MSM Spin.

We at Politadick are not responsible for anything that is said here today. We are here to document this and make sure Alaskans hear it Unfiltered & not from our very opinionated Far Left Fringe Spin coming from MSM.

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