Beach run was turbulent but Stump Pass turned out to be fun indeed.

1 year ago

Placida LZ
Flight 120
Flight time 01:10
PIC 108:23
Allup wt. 273 lbs.
Wx: clear
Wind: 0608
Temp: 75F

Alvaro Cesar
Paul Robinson

Beach run was turbulent but Stump Pass turned out to be fun indeed.

See the world from a different perspective.
- Cruise at 23-35 mph
- Fly in wind less than 12 mph
- 0 - 60 feet for liftoff
- Carry motor mounted removable hitch rack
- Paraglider in the car

Situational awareness

Bob Harrison
941.661.2598 (Signal) (E2E secure Text)
@BobthePilot (Twitter) (E2E Secure Email)

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