#AUDIO Cop #Grooms & Sends D!c* Pix to H.S. Girl(s), #Grooming #Spoljaric #LawrenceCountySheriff

2 years ago

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Jonathan Spoljaric is accused of Grooming (Jr. High School) and then following through the R-A-P-I-N-G of a local High School girl in Ironton, Ohio. He sends her several pictures of himself, fully exposed. When she was in High School. We have collected a MOUNTAIN of Evidence, confirming his sexual involvement with Jane Doe- She will not be listed, she will remain anonymous. No victims need to go public. This is being kept 100% Confidential.

There is nothing more despicable. Where is the #JusticeDepartment - this is just incredible. She lists TWO (2) other High School Girls WHO SHE KNOWS OF!

Jonathan Spoljaric should face a Grand Jury for this. We need to know the full Truth.

PARENTS -- Demand the cops have ZERO interaction with your kid. Get the cops OUT of your schools!

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