Health Secretary Brendan Murphy Can't/Refuses to Define ‘Woman’

2 years ago

Australian Health Secretary Brendan Murphy (a trained nephrologist) struggles/refuses to define what a ‘woman’ is and chooses not to answer.

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Australia’s top health bureaucrat has been slammed for refusing to provide a definition of the word “woman”. Liberal Senator Alex Antic posed the question to Health Secretary Brendan Murphy during Senate Estimates on Wednesday (6 April 2022), after last week failing to get a response from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. “Can someone please provide me with a definition of what a woman is?” he asked. The question was met with uncomfortable silence. “Department of Health? Definition of a man, definition of a woman? Anyone? Professor Murphy?” Senator Antic said. Dr Murphy replied, “Look, I think there are a variety of definitions …” Senator Antic suggested he provide “just a simple one”. “I think perhaps to give a more fulsome answer we should take that on notice,” Dr Murphy continued. “You’re going to take on notice the question of what a woman is?” the Senator said. Stay updated with the latest in the world of entertainment. “No, well there a variety – it’s a very, it’s a very … it’s a very contested space at the moment, Senator,” Dr Murphy said. “I mean there are obviously biological definitions but there are definitions in terms of how people identify themselves, so we’re happy to provide our working definition on notice.” Senator Antic said, “It’s not just that a woman was born a woman? This is hilarious. I’ve only been here two years, that’s the best thing I’ve seen thus far.”

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#BrendanMurphy #WomanDefinition #DefineWoman

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