The hearts and minds of American People are on Mr. Guo's side 美国人的心却在郭先生这边!

2 years ago

🔥 Nicole from the New Federal States of China (#NFSC) — The Nirvana event shook the world, and this is the power of faith — 01/02/2023:
💥The CCP spends so much money to infiltrate all walks of life in the US. But the hearts and minds of the American People are on Mr. Guo's side, and on the side of the New Federal State of China and the Whistleblower Movement. This really makes the CCP see that their time is over!
💥Evil just makes you feel small, fearful, and scared, but actually they're scared, and we're very powerful.
#AmFest2022 #ukrainerescue #CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP #WakeUpAmerica

#凤凰涅槃 #乌克兰救援 #新中国联邦 #中共≠中国人 #消灭中共

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