2023-01-05 RT News - January 5th 2023

1 year ago

Russia's President Vladimir Putin sends-off a frigate armed with nuclear-capable hyper-sonic missiles on combat duty to the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

British intelligence is spying on Russian forces on Kiev's behalf- that's according to secret leaked documents published by news outlet' Grayzone'. Important report. (see also 1,a,b,c below)

Despite a peace deal between Tigray rebels and Ethiopia signed last November the region's biggest hospital pleads for help over medicine supply shortages. (QS: Tedros (World Health Organisation chief) has long been sounding the alarm over the fighting in Tigray, which he called “the worst disaster on Earth.” Tedros has expressed frustration that, unlike the conflict in Ukraine, it had been mostly ignored by the West. “I don’t know if the world really gives equal attention to black and white lives,” he said in April 2022. The Ethiopian government blames Tedros for working to procure weapons and diplomatic support for the separatist forces in Tigray. As WHO chief what use is he if he can't get essential medical supplies to where they are supposed to be going?)

Omar Sy (a French actor) has made some obvious but uncomfortable statements about the political class in France and has come in for some serious criticism from both politicians and media. Omar Sy said simply " the French care more about Ukraine than many years of bloodshed in Africa " Report from RT and Joe Mhlang

Twitter: More on the Russia Hoax and leaked documents. Report from Caleb Maupin who points out this batch of revelations is just the latest in a long line since Elon Musk took over twitter.

Also Twitter and the Russiagate hoax, the Twitter files show there is no accountability for Washington's wrongdoings. Analysis by Larry Johnson. (QS - as always, the losers from all of this are the public, deliberately misled, deliberately lied to by those posing as "governments" for their own ends) Washington pushed Twitter to find any Russian connection to the US elections - even after the media giant tried and failed to find any evidence.

Crypto Collusion - FTX: FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried made a bail deal on $250 million bond secured against his parents' property with restrictions on his movement. US Federal prosecutors say Bankman-Fried's alleged crimes and the collapse of the $32 billion crypto empire is the largest financial fraud in U.S. history. Chris Emms looks deeper in the financial crime of the millennium (of all time in fact). Bankman-Fried is likely to be on bail for at least a year as "prosecutors" build their case (yeah right). (Not mentioned in this report is the fact that Ukraine closed it's FTX account just days before FTX was declared insolvent, leaving hundreds of thousands of ordinary Joe investors

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