Alert! They Are Hurting Our Children! This Got Removed from YouTube Today

2 years ago

$Cash App: $MamaKia13
In this video, Dr. Pruitt speaks on how the World Economic Forum boasts that harming children is "natural." They further claim that p*d*ph*i*a will "save humanity." What the f%$k?! These people are SICK! We must stop them!

Next, we address how people are passing away from the "cure." They are dying suddenly!

We also discuss how military arrests are taking place behind the scenes.

The least we can do is pray, work together and protect our babies. Much of this will fall on the shoulders of us women who are the first caretakers and nurturers. The powers-that-were took out of the home so that they could have access to our children. Let's reverse this.

These are the things that we needed to know in order to innerstand and overstand why the D**p State take down is taking so long.
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