RT News - January 5th 2023 - Late

1 year ago

President Putin has ordered a 36 hour ceasefire for Orthodox Christmas, celebrated in Ukraine and Russia.

'A violation of freedom of speech and the rights of journalists' -that's what Russia's Foreign Ministry calls the detention of the chief editor of Sputnik Lithuania news agency by authorities in Latvia, on alleged espionage and sanctions breach charges. (2)

Iran summons the French ambassador over recent cartoons depicting the Islamic country's supreme leader in what it calls an 'insulting and indecent' way.

British intelligence is spying on Russian forces on Kiev's behalf - that's according to leaked documents published by the Grayzone news outlet. RT hears from the author of the report.

Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the Russian State Duma has harshly condemned the German government's statement that it's considering sending Russian frozen assets to Ukraine. (5, a, b)

Below, via RT website 1) --- Civilians killed in Ukrainian HIMARS missile attack – officials
2) --- Editor-in-chief of Russian news outlet arrested in Latvia
3) --- Putin announces Christmas truce
4) --- IMF issues call on US inflation
5) --- EU state breaks ranks on Russian assets
5a) --- Sanctions cost Russia’s richest billions – Bloomberg
5b) --- Moscow warns of retaliation if Germany goes through with asset seizure
6) --- US won’t fulfil Ukrainian request – WaPo (watch Kelsey Grammar movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir0FAa8P2MU&t=5s)
7) --- CNN hires never-Trumper
8) --- US House stuck in limbo
9) --- Topics of Putin, Erdogan phone call revealed
10) --- Iran summons French ambassador over ‘disgusting’ cartoons

5 Jan, 2023 10:28

1) --- Civilians killed in Ukrainian HIMARS missile attack – officials

Six people lost their lives when Kiev’s troops shelled the city of Vasilyevka, local authorities have said

Ukrainian troops have shelled a residential area in the city of Vasilyevka in Russia’s newly incorporated Zaporozhye Region, killing six people and injuring 37, the acting governor, Yevgeny Balitsky, said on Wednesday. He added that three first responders were among the wounded, one of whom is in critical condition.

“The situation in Vasilyevka is tense. The shelling does not stop. All emergency services are working to help people,” Balitsky wrote on his Telegram channel. He also shared photos of destroyed buildings and damaged vehicles on the city’s streets.

Vladimir Rogov, a senior regional official, said that Ukrainian forces had hit an apartment block near a building that houses the city’s military administration. He explained that locals were lining up outside the building to receive documents for their cars when the strike hit.

Rogov claimed on Telegram that Kiev had used a US-supplied M142 HIMARS multiple rocket launcher to carry out the attack.

Natalya Romanichenko, the mayor of Vasilyevka, a city of roughly 13,000 people, urged residents to stay off the streets and seek shelter.

The latest news comes after local authorities reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed a hospital in the city of Tokmak on Tuesday. Moscow has repeatedly accused Ukraine of using HIMARS and other Western-made weapons to target civilians.

The Zaporozhye Region, together with three other former Ukrainian territories, became part of Russia after holding a referendum on the matter in September.

5 Jan, 2023 15:38

2) --- Editor-in-chief of Russian news outlet arrested in Latvia

Marat Kasem from Sputnik Lithuania has been accused of espionage and could face up to 20 years behind bars

Latvia has arrested the editor-in-chief of the Lithuanian branch of the Russian Sputnik news agency. Marat Kasem was taken into custody on a court order, his lawyer announced on Thursday.

The journalist is accused of breaching EU sanctions and has been charged with espionage, Sputnik reports.

Kasem’s lawyer, Imma Jansone, has not yet been able to review his case materials, according to the news outlet. Jansone asked the court to release the journalist on bail but a judge decided to leave him in custody. Kasem was immediately transferred to Riga’s central jail on Thursday.

Kasem is a Latvian citizen, though he has been living in Moscow for several years, working for the Rossiya Segodnya media group, which Sputnik Lithuania is part of. Before New Year’s Eve, he returned to Latvia for family reasons.

Moscow will request the assistance of international organizations over Kasem’s arrest, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. She also slammed the move as a violation of Latvia’s international commitments regarding freedom of speech protections.

Speaking to RIA Novosti news agency, the head of Rossiya Segodnya media group, Dmitry Kiselyov, said Kasem’s arrest was “absurd” and “lawless.” He also called these types of actions a “dangerous tendency” that affects all of the EU. Kiselyov added that Kasem had frequently spoken of having a feeling of being politically persecuted.

Kasem had already faced persecution in the Baltic states before his arrest. In 2019, he was detained upon arrival at Vilnius Airport and labeled “a threat to the national security” of Lithuania. He was then deported to Latvia. At the time, it was revealed that the journalist had been placed on a blacklist of people barred from entering Lithuania.

In 2018, another Russian journalist, Sputnik Latvia’s editor-in-chief, Valentin Rozentsov, was detained at Riga Airport. He was held in police custody and interrogated for 12 hours before being released. In 2021, Moscow slammed the persecution of Russian journalists in the Baltic states as a “flagrant attack on democracy,” saying it considered what it called a degradation of media freedoms there “concerning.”

The developments come as the three Baltic nations maintain hardline stances on Moscow’s actions amid the conflict in Ukraine. Last month, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, as well as Poland and Slovakia, all lodged a formal protest against French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal that NATO should offer Russia security guarantees, according to Reuters.

5 Jan, 2023 15:17

3) --- Putin announces Christmas truce

The cessation of hostilities in Ukraine is to last from noon on Friday until midnight on Saturday, the Kremlin has revealed

President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian military to impose a cessation in hostilities in Ukraine. Hours earlier, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, had called on both sides of the conflict to cease hostilities in the run-up to, and during, the Orthodox Christmas holiday.

According to the Kremlin, the truce is to last from noon local time on Friday January 6 until midnight on Saturday January 7.

“Judging by the fact that a lot of citizens who practice the Orthodox religion live in the embattled area, we call upon the Ukrainian side to proclaim a cessation of hostilities and give them the opportunity to attend services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day,” a Kremlin statement reads.

Earlier on Thursday, Putin discussed the prospect of peace negotiations with Ukraine in a call with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Russian president reiterated that Moscow was “open to serious dialogue” with Kiev if the latter recognized the “new territorial realities.”

Erdogan responded that “calls for peace and negotiations should be supported by a unilateral declaration of ceasefire and a vision of a just solution” to the conflict.

Ankara has offered to broker negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in the past. Meaningful peace talks between the two sides effectively collapsed in April, with both Moscow and Kiev blaming the other. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in late December that Ukrainian politicians were “incapable of negotiating,” adding that “the majority of them are blatant Russophobes.”

5 Jan, 2023 15:08

4) --- IMF issues call on US inflation

The Federal Reserve should continue its efforts to lower prices, deputy head Gita Gopinath told FT

Inflation in the US has not subsided sufficiently enough to abandon last year’s restrictive monetary policy, Gita Gopinath, the deputy head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has told the Financial Times.

According to Gopinath, it is “important” for the US Federal Reserve, which acts as the country's central bank, to “stay the course” in efforts to lower prices until there was a “very definite, durable decline in inflation” across the sectors not related to either food or energy.

“If you see the indicators in the labor market and if you look at very sticky components of inflation like services inflation, I think it’s clear that we haven’t turned the corner yet on inflation,” she told the news outlet, adding that there is also a “very narrow path” for the country to avoid a recession in the coming months.

Gopinath’s comments come as US inflation figures have started to subside in the past couple of months, leading analysts to suggest the price surge may have passed its peak. Prices in the country rose by 7.1% year-on-year in November, for instance, compared with 7.7% in October, according to the US Labor Department.

On December 14, in its most recent attempt to rein in inflation, the Fed hiked the key interest rate by 50 basis points – up to 4.25-4.5%. According to Gopinath, the regulator may need to raise the rate to about 5% and keep it there throughout the year in order to avoid further price increases.

“It’s another challenging year for monetary policy, but it’s a different kind of challenge. The last year was about quickly tightening monetary policy and how far to go. Now for lots of countries, the question is how long to stay on hold,” she noted.

Gopinath also warned that Europe may take longer than the US to battle rising prices, saying that “we are looking well into 2024 before we start seeing inflation coming closer to the ECB’s [2%] target.”

5 Jan, 2023 12:03

5) --- EU state breaks ranks on Russian assets

Estonia will create its own laws to use seized funds for Ukraine’s recovery, Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu has said

Estonia will not wait for an all-EU decision but will devise its own framework for confiscating Russian assets blocked by Brussels in response to Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine, the country’s foreign minister, Urmas Reinsalu, has announced.

“European countries have instructed the European Commission to create a legal scheme that would allow the use of frozen assets for the aid and recovery of Ukraine. But there is no consensus on this issue yet,” Reinsalu told the newspaper Postimees on Wednesday.

“We have discussed this in the government and decided that, in parallel with [the EU], we will start devising a legal framework that would allow us to use these funds,” the minister said, adding that the move could create a precedent for international law.

The EU froze around €17 billion ($18 billion) as part of sanctions imposed on Moscow after it launched a military operation in Ukraine in late February, according to the bloc’s justice commissioner, Didier Reynders. He said in October that the West had also blocked the reserves of Russia’s Central Bank, worth €300 million.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen warned in late November that “Russia and its oligarchs have to compensate Ukraine for the damage and cover the costs for rebuilding the country.” Bloomberg reported on Tuesday that the German government supported Kiev’s call to confiscate Russian assets, but has not yet made a decision on the matter.

Moscow, meanwhile, maintains that the seizure of Russian funds is “theft.” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Brussels in October of “refusing to protect the property of Russians, while openly declaring the primacy of political reasoning over the law.”

5 Jan, 2023 05:28

5a) --- Sanctions cost Russia’s richest billions – Bloomberg

Many have had their assets frozen in the West

Russian billionaires have lost more than $93 billion since the end of February, Bloomberg reported on December 29, citing data from its Billionaires Index.

Part of this wealth ($46.6 billion) was wiped out almost immediately after Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine, according to the report.

The remaining $47 billion was lost in the following months as Western countries hit Moscow with unprecedented sanctions. The restrictions particularly targeted wealthy Russians who were seen in the West as being close to the nation’s leadership. Many leading business figures essentially lost access to their assets in the West.

However, Russian billionaires were not the only ones to see their fortunes shrink this year. In total, the world’s 500 richest people have lost around $1.4 trillion since 2021.

According to analysts, apart from the sanctions war against Russia, such dynamics can be explained by rising inflation and, subsequently, more aggressive monetary policies by central banks around the globe.

Moscow has repeatedly criticized Western sanctions and called the restrictive measures against Russian businessmen “international banditry” and the freezing of assets “theft.”

5 Jan, 2023 12:12

5b) --- Moscow warns of retaliation if Germany goes through with asset seizure

Berlin should not “ignore international law” unless it wants other countries to follow suit, Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin says

The proposed confiscation of Russian funds and property by Germany and their subsequent transfer to Ukraine may create a dangerous precedent in international law, Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, has claimed.

In a post on Thursday to his official Telegram channel, Volodin wrote that the measure runs counter to international law, and may lead other countries to take similar actions.

“They plan to seize Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine… This will start a process where all states ignore international law and take what they see fit at their own discretion,” Volodin warned, adding that Germany’s leadership “should remember from their own country’s history how attempts to encroach on someone else’s property ended.”

Volodin stressed that Russia will have the right to take similar steps against Germany if Russian funds are seized.

“We now live in a different reality: not only according to the UN Charter, but also based on precedents. There are no unilateral decisions, the rules must be the same for everyone. The same goes for the seizure of money and property. Once such a decision is made, we have the right to take similar actions against the assets of Germany and other states,” the official said.

The idea of seizing frozen Russian assets to help rebuild Ukraine has been discussed within the EU for some time. According to a recent report by Bloomberg, Berlin has stepped up negotiations on the controversial step and is mulling the option of selectively confiscating assets, only taking the funds of Russians whose involvement in the Ukraine operation has been proven.

However, opinions reportedly differ within the German government on whether the measure should be introduced and to what extent. The selective approach, for instance, would be difficult to implement, as it may take years for each case to go through the courts, analysts warn.

Amid the sanctions that followed the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine last February, Western governments froze some €300 billion ($311 billion) in reserves belonging to the Russian central bank, along with billions in assets owned by sanctioned Russian businessmen.

5 Jan, 2023 14:21

6) --- US won’t fulfill Ukrainian request – WaPo

While Kiev has asked for Abrams battle tanks, Washington continues to rule out transferring them, an official has told the paper

The US will not send M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, citing officials. Despite repeated requests from the Ukrainian government, no NATO power has donated Western-designed battle tanks since the conflict with Russia began.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said that the Abrams tanks’ heavy fuel consumption and propensity to break down make them unsuitable for the Ukrainian military.

One of the heaviest main battle tanks in service worldwide, the M1 Abrams weighs in at 60 tons, with the latest M1A2 variant increasing this heft to more than 73 tons. An M1 Abrams tank costs more than $450 per mile in fuel and repairs, according to a 1991 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report adjusted for inflation.

The Abrams’ poor reliability was noted by the GAO. After a decade in service with the US military, the report stated that the average M1 Abrams needs its track replaced after as little as 710 miles, with engines typically suffering catastrophic “blowouts” after 350 hours of operation. However, the US Army insists that the latest M1A2 variant, which rolled off production lines in 2020, “is the most reliable Abrams tank ever produced.”

Ukraine has repeatedly requested delivery of the American-made behemoths, portraying them as crucial to its war effort. Mikhail Podoliak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, put them on his “Christmas wishlist” in a social media post last month, while Zelensky has himself repeatedly asked the US and its allies for tanks since March.

Zelensky and his officials have singled out Germany in particular, asking Berlin for Marder infantry fighting vehicles and Leopard main battle tanks on multiple occasions. Germany has thus far rebuffed these requests, with lawmaker and Bundestag Foreign Policy Committee member Michael Mueller telling reporters this week that sending the tanks could trigger “an escalation that none of us want to imagine.”

France on Wednesday became the first NATO member to announce the transfer of Western-made “light tanks” to Ukraine, although the vehicles in question – six-wheeled AMX-10 units – are outdated, and technically closer to armored fighting vehicles than tanks such as the Abrams or Leopard.

The French AMX-10s are similar in weight to the US-made Bradley Fighting Vehicle, with both coming in at less than 30 tons. US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that the transfer of an unspecified number of Bradleys is currently being discussed in the White House.

Russia has repeatedly warned the West against arming Kiev, saying that doing so will only serve to prolong the conflict, and risks making Western nations de-facto participants.

5 Jan, 2023 16:54

7) --- CNN hires never-Trumper

The former Republican congressman from Illinois will be a senior political commentator on the network

Former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger has joined CNN as a senior political commentator, the network confirmed on Wednesday, less than a week after his official departure from the House. He made his first appearance as a contributor on Erin Burnett OutFront, declaring he was “excited” to join the staff.

Kinzinger opted not to seek another term representing Illinois in the House in 2021 as his theatrical stint as one of two Republicans on the January 6 committee tasked with investigating former President Donald Trump over the Capitol riot, along with his support for impeachment, had alienated many within his own party. The other Republican, fellow 'never-Trumper' Liz Cheney (Wyoming), did not win reelection either.

The six-term representative was a frequent guest on CNN during the January 6 hearings, a fact that led many on social media to mock his new job on Wednesday. Kinzinger “was basically giving CNN his resume for the past year,” Axios reporter Tim Baysinger tweeted, while the Washington Beacon’s Chuck Ross referred to his “two-year apprenticeship” at the cable outlet.

He joins CNN as the network, under new management since May, struggles to reinvent itself from stalwart of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ into a more moderate outlet. CEO Chris Licht has attempted to reassure viewers that while he wants to soften the network’s image, this does not mean inviting in views from the conservative Right.

Indeed, while Kinzinger joins a handful of other Republicans at CNN, all – including Ana Navarro and fellow former congressman Charlie Dent – are fellow Never Trumpers.

Since joining the January 6 committee, which recommended charges against Trump in its final report, he has become a critic not just of the former president but of the party leadership in general, recently blaming erstwhile House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for the “crazy elements” in Congress.

While the congressman hinted at a 2024 presidential run when he revealed he would not be standing for reelection in 2021, telling CNN he did not want to “rule anything out,” he more recently rejected the idea even while acknowledging it would be “fun” to run against Trump.

5 Jan, 2023 05:52

8) --- US House stuck in limbo

Congress remains in deadlock as insurgent Republicans continue to thwart Representative Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House speaker

The US House of Representatives has adjourned yet again after lawmakers failed to appoint a new House speaker for the second day in a row, leaving Congress in disarray amid an uprising against Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy by rival Republicans.

Following the sixth failed attempt to fill the position on Wednesday, lawmakers agreed to return again the next afternoon for another round of voting. While McCarthy has the support of most House Republicans, he has been unable to garner the majority of votes needed to take up the speaker’s gavel due to opposition from 20 fellow GOP members.

Initially rallying around Ohio Representative Jim Jordan for the first round of balloting, the 20 rebel Republicans later threw their support to Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida on Wednesday, still denying McCarthy the 218 votes required for a majority.

Even after two days of voting encompassing six separate ballots, McCarthy’s path forward remains unclear, telling reporters on Wednesday night that he still has no deal with his opponents. Nonetheless, he noted “a lot of progress” had been made and voiced hopes for success in later voting, though did not specify what kind of compromises were on the table.

Led by the pro-Trump ‘Freedom Caucus’, McCarthy’s critics have slammed the California lawmaker as overly moderate and too willing to capitulate to Democrats, with prominent caucus member Rep. Matt Gaetz suggesting he is “beholden to the lobbyists and special interests that have corrupted this place [Congress] and corrupted this nation under the leadership of both Republicans and Democrats.”

Having recently lost their majority control of Congress as a result of November’s midterm elections, Democrats have unified around their own new minority leader, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who has received more votes than McCarthy but still failed to reach the needed threshold to become speaker.

Without a speaker, the House remains in limbo, meaning lawmakers cannot be officially sworn into office and that all 434 members of Congress are technically serving as members-elect. The position is usually filled on the first day of a new congressional session and rarely goes beyond a single round of voting, with the last such case occurring 100 years ago, in 1923.

While the outcome of Thursday’s votes remains to be seen, Democratic lawmaker and progressive stalwart Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently floated the somewhat unprecedented idea of a “coalition government,” proposing that McCarthy may have to seek Democratic support to overcome his GOP critics and secure the speaker role – typically a partisan appointment.

5 Jan, 2023 14:26

9) --- Topics of Putin, Erdogan phone call revealed

The leaders of Russia and Türkiye touched upon bilateral energy ties as well as Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the prospects of peace negotiations with Ukraine in a phone call with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Thursday.

According to a statement on the Kremlin’s website, Putin stressed “the destructive role of Western countries that supply the Kiev regime with weapons and military hardware, as well as provide it with military data and targeting information.”

Putin reiterated that Moscow is “open to serious dialogue” with Ukraine on condition that Kiev recognize “new territorial realities.” Russia has said in the past that Ukraine’s demand that Moscow surrender newly incorporated territories is a non-starter.

Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia shortly after the 2014 coup in Kiev. The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, together with the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, did the same after holding referendums on the matter in September.

Ankara has offered to broker negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in the past. In the call with Putin on Thursday, Erdogan noted “positive results,” such as last year’s deal to allow shipments of grain from Ukrainian Black Sea ports, and a high-level prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine in September.

“The calls for peace and negotiations should be supported by a unilateral declaration of ceasefire and a vision of a just solution” of the conflict, Erdogan said, according to a statement from his office’s press service.

Turkish news agency Anadolu quoted Erdogan as saying after the call that Ankara is ready to help Russia export grain to poorer nations. “We are ready to process the grain into flour in Turkish companies and ship it to underdeveloped African countries,” he said. Russia, a major grain producer, has said that Western sanctions hamper its ability to ship food to poorer countries of Africa and Asia.

The leaders also discussed energy cooperation. The Kremlin said Putin and Erdogan noted that the creation of a regional gas hub and the construction of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Türkiye are a “priority.” The plant is being built by Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear power agency.

5 Jan, 2023 07:39

10) --- Iran summons French ambassador over ‘disgusting’ cartoons

Tehran’s outrage comes after Charlie Hebdo magazine mocked the nation’s top religious official

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has summoned Paris’ ambassador to the country over cartoons in a French magazine that insulted both the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the nation’s religious practices. Though the ministry did not name the magazine, it was apparently referring to Charlie Hebdo, which is notorious for satirical attacks on Islam.

In a statement on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said Ambassador Nicolas Roche had been summoned and that a “a strong protest” had been filed with the French government. He added that Tehran would not “accept any insult to Islamic as well as its national and religious values.”

France has no right to “justify insult to the sanctities of other nations and Islamic countries under the pretext of freedom of speech,” he said, and that Iran believes the French government shares responsibility for such “disgusting, sacrilegious and unjustified moves.”

Kanaani stated that Iran reserves the right to give “an appropriate response” while handing the French ambassador an official note of protest. Roche said he would convey Tehran’s position to Paris, the statement read.

On Thursday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry also announced that it would review the nation’s existing cultural ties with France. It said the “first step” would be to shut down the activity of the French Institute for Research in Iran, a Tehran-based establishment that focuses on archeological and historical studies.

The diplomatic admonishment comes after Charlie Hebdo published dozens of caricatures on Wednesday mocking Khamenei, which had been selected as part of a contest launched by the magazine last month to “support the struggle of Iranians who fight for their freedom.”

The publication also loosely coincides with the anniversary of the 2015 attack against Charlie Hebdo in Paris, which claimed the lives of 12 people. The magazine was targeted after publishing controversial satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

In December, Iran imposed a raft of sanctions on European individuals and entities, including Charlie Hebdo, claiming they had been engaged in meddling in the country’s internal affairs and supporting the recent violent riots over the death of 22-year-old woman Mahsa Amini.

Amini was arrested by Iran’s morality police over an “improper” hijab and passed away hours later. Her family insists that she was beaten to death in custody, while the Iranian authorities claim that she died due to a medical condition.

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