Putting my Life at risk. What the hell, I'm 60 not 22.

2 years ago

Flight 121
Flight time 01:09
PIC 109:32
Allup wt. 273 lbs.
Wx: clear
Wind: 04506
Temp: 75F

Bill Houghton

I arrived to enjoy a cup of Joe and a beautiful sunrise. Wind was from the NE at 6 mph and steady. Noone chimed in on Twitter to join me so I planned to run along Gasparilla island making extraction easy.

With a easterly wind it makes for a moderate ride down the beach on the deck due to rotor, so I stayed around 400 feet AGL an watched a sky blender pass off my right from behind about a tenth of a mile away.

Once arriving at the south end and noting the wind around 10 mph from the East, I decided to drop down and play on the deck without a plan.

I did a few firsts. Landed on the pilon, balanced on a railing and soared like a Osprey. Along with putting my life at risk. What the hell, I'm 60 not 22.

The waters around the docks are deep and swift. The Pass has many sharks though I might hv bn lucky in that Red Tide is prevalent.

To monitor my fuel burn, I use ten minutes per ltr. I set my countdown timer based on that. I must hv started my stopwatch accidently and when I checked my remaining burn time it was 17 minutes. Shit I'm 11.5 mi from the LZ with a 10+ mph headwind. Wasn't looking gud. Once I saw my mistake I had 22 of fuel remaining and only 6 miles to go.

After I returned I decided to kite. This is when I noticed my GoPro card was full. Needless to say I was overly enlightened to find that I did record the flight.

Fly with a plan

Bob Harrison
941.661.2598 (Signal) (E2E secure Text)
@BobthePilot (Twitter)
Bobthepilot@ProtonMail.com (E2E Secure Email)

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