The Red Series | Don Lemon sympathy for Child Abusers, are CNN Groomers?

2 years ago

The Red Series | Don Lemon sympathy for Human Monsters, are CNN Groomers?
I still can't believe how in 2022 we are debating Children's rights with the Left...and people are actually FIGHTING against people fighting FOR children's Rights. And it's ALWAYS the Left. Always.
Now we have Ketanji Jackson confirmed as Justice. God help our children. She will help them rewrite the laws against Child P seeing how she sympathizes with them. Just in time for Hunter Biden to get cleared of charges for the Laptop from Hell.
You better make sure you NEVER give in when you fight for the rights of Children against the worst of humanity's Monsters.
This video is STILL up. They are proud of their message & they stand by it.

#TheRedSeries #GROOMERS #DonLemon #CNN #WWSTSDNE

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