Putin Remembers Yugoslavia

2 years ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attacked Ukraine without reason—or so it seems. Learn how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine connects to America’s actions in Yugoslavia in the 1990s.



Vladimir Putin justifies his invasion of Ukraine by accusing America and NATO of doing the exact same thing to Yugoslavia three decades ago. He is obsessed with the hypocrisy of the West. Why is no one talking about Yugoslavia today, even though this condemning history has everything to do with Russia’s war against Ukraine?
Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to discover America’s monstrous betrayal of the Serbs. This history has not been told truthfully! In the 1990s, the U.S. turned against its loyal allies from World War I and World War II to support its main enemy from those wars: Germany! The attack on the Serbs, led by Germany and aided by America, ruthlessly assaulted civilian sites such as hospitals. America condemns this exact behavior by Vladimir Putin today, despite being fine with it in Yugoslavia very recently!
Why would America allow Germany to resurrect its war-making empire? How can anyone explain such a blind foreign-policy blunder? Study Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans for the startling truth: that Yugoslavia was actually the first military victim of World War III! This bloody history is just a forerunner of much worse to come. Expose how Germany defied the world to get its way in Yugoslavia, and how America shamefully caved in to German pressure. Understand Germany’s diabolical master plan for the former Yugoslavia—and for the whole world. Every person on the planet will be affected!
Also request our free reprint article “Putin Remembers Yugoslavia.” Many in the Yugoslav region sided with the Allies against Hitler. Decades later, America chose Germany over Yugoslavia. How quickly America has forgotten about the Nazi menace! But one man took note of America’s hypocrisy and now weaponizes it against us: Russian President Vladimir Putin. Learn how Yugoslavia’s history inspires Putin’s brutal imperialism today.
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All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans, “Putin Remembers Yugoslavia,” and a subscription to The Philadelphia Trumpet. Order now!

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